Prof. Dr. Gerald Kerth
Applied Zoology and Nature Conservation
Loitzer Str. 26
17489 Greifswald
Tel.: +49 (0)3834 420 4100
Fax: +49 (0)3834 420 4252
Curriculum Vitae
Higher Education
1986 - 1992 | Study of Biology ("Diplombiologe") at the University of Würzburg, Germany |
1989/90 | Graduate study at the Department of Zoology, State University of New York, Albany, USA |
1992 | Diploma in Biology at the University of Würzburg, Germany - Thesis: “Investigations on the ability of female house mice (Mus domesticus) to discriminate between own and foreign offspring” |
May 1998 | PhD in Zoology and Genetics at the University of Würzburg, Germany - Thesis: “Social behaviour and genetic population structure of the Bechstein's bat Myotis bechsteinii”, at the Universities of Würzburg and Erlangen, Germany |
April 2004 | Habilitation in Zoology at the University of Zürich, Switzerland |
Professional Employment
1994 - 1998 | Research assistant at the University of Würzburg |
1998 - 2005 | Postdoc research associate at the University of Zürich, Switzerland |
March 2004 | Invited guest professor at the University of Rennes, France |
2005 - 2008 | Research fellow of the German Research Foundation (DFG) at the Universities of Groningen, Netherlands, and Lausanne, Switzerland |
Oct. - Dec. 2008 | Postdoc research associate at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland |
2009 - 2010 | Heisenberg fellow of the German Research Foundation (DFG) at the University of Zurich, Switzerland and the Max-Planck-Institute for Ornithology in Seewiesen |
Since Oct. 2010 | Professor for Applied Zoology and Conservation at the University of Greifswald |
Academic Awards and Scholarships
1989 | Full scholarship of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) |
1998 | Award for the PhD thesis: "Deutscher Preis für Wildtierforschung" |
2005 | Research fellowship of the German Science Foundation (DFG) |
2008 | Heisenberg fellowship of the German Science Foundation (DFG) |
Academic and Professional Services
Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
Spokesperson of the DFG-Research Training Group "GRK 2010: Biological Responses to Novel and Changing Environments (RESPONSE) |
Curator of the Stiftung Umwelt- und Naturschutz MV |