Carolina Ortiz Movliav
Doctoral Researcher (PhD Student)
Zoologisches Institut und Museum
Allgemeine und Systematische Zoologie
Loitzer Str. 26
17489 Greifswald
Gebäude 3.3, Raum 0.48
Tel.: +49 (0)3834 420-4245
Research interests
I am a biologist with a keen interest in multidisciplinary approaches. My main interest is to understand the mechanisms that drive diversification and adaptation of species to novel environments or extreme conditions like climate change. I have experience in Ecology, Evolution, Biogeography, and biodiversity research of spiders and birds. I am also interested in comparative-morphological/physiological assessments to elucidate the diversification of species and or their unique behavior/adaptation.
Currently, I am working on:
- Understanding phenotypic plasticity and genetic adaptation in the range expanding spider Argiope bruennichi
- Differential gene expression depending on winter temperature stress
- Ecological diversification of neotropical birds.
In scientific journals: |
2018 |
Hazzi, N., A, Moreno, J., S, Ortiz-Movliav, C. and Palacio, R., D. 2018. Biogeographic regions and events of isolation and diversification of the endemic biota of the Tropical Andes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 115 (31) 7985-7990. |
Other publications: |
2020 |
Benavidez A., Ortiz-Movliav, C. & Sanchez, D. (2020). Arañas de Ecosistemas bananeros en la región de Úraba. Cenibanano, Augura, Apartadó, Colombia. 34 p. ISBN 978-958-52529-1-2 |
2016 |
Salazar, L., Ortiz-Movliav, C., & Valderrama, C. (Editors) (2016). Farallones de Cali National Natural Park, One of Colombia's Hydrological Treasures. GÁ Editores, Cali, Colombia. 312 p. ISBN 978-958-57864-3-1 link |
2015 |
Ortiz –Movliav C. Evaluación del papel de las arañas en la dinámica de los bordes en fragmentos de bosque secos tropicales del Valle del Cauca y el Cauca, Oral presentation at the 42º Colombian society of entomology (SOCOLEN) conference, Medellin Antioquia, Colombia. |
2016<--2013 |
Ortiz –Movliav C. Evaluación de la diversidad de arañas como indicadoras de la efectividad de estrategias de restauración ecológica. Oral presentation at the III, IV and V Diplomat of Restoration Ecology in the cloud forest. Xalapa de Enríquez, Veracruz, México. |
2014 |
Ortiz –Movliav C., Estrada L.F., Vargas, W.G., Valderrama, C., H. Comunidad de arañas (Arachnida: Araneae) del Enclave subxerofítico del corregimiento de Atuncela (Dagua – Valle del Cauca). Oral presentation at the IV Colombian Zoology Conference, V Colombian arachnology symposium. Cartagena, Colombia. |
2013 |
Ortiz –Movliav C., Vargas, W.G., Valderrama, C., H. Evaluación de la diversidad de arañas como indicadoras de la efectividad de estrategias de restauración implementadas en el corredor Barbas – Bremen, Filandia (Quindío – Colombia). Oral presentation at the III Iberoamerican and Caribbean Conference on Ecological Restoration. Bogotá, Colombia. |
2020 |
Alexander-Koenig-Gesellschaft project support. |
2017 to 2019 |
Loan- Scholarship Program, COLFUTURO, Bogotá, Colombia |
2009-2014 |
Academic Excellence scholarship, Icesi University. Cali, Colombia. |
Since 04/2021 |
PhD Student, Zoological Institute and Museum, University of Greifswald, Germany. |
2017 to 2020 |
M.Sc., OEP Biology (Organismal biology, evolution, and paleobiology) Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn. Bonn, Germany |
Thesis: Ecological and morphological diversification of parrots along a tropical elevational gradient |
2009 to 2014 |
B.S., Biology: Universidad Icesi. Cali, Colombia. |
Thesis: Evaluation of the diversity of spiders as an indicator for the effectiveness of the restoration strategies implemented in the biological corridor Barbas – Bremen, in Filandia (Quindío – Colombia). |
2019 - 2021 |
Student job. Zoological Research Museum Alexander Koenig, sections Ichthyology, Hymenoptera and Ornithology. Bonn, Germany. |
2017 |
Guest researcher. Augura, Cenibanano, Apartadó, Antioquia, Colombia. |
Project: Banana Ecosystem Spiders in the Úraba region. |
2014 - present |
Co-Founder and researcher. Fundación Ecotonos. Cali Colombia. |
2016 |
Scientific editorial coordinator. GÁ Editores. Cali Colombia. |
2014 - 2015 |
Research assistant. Universidad Icesi, Cali Colombia. |
Project: The forest edges as softener of the degradation in fragments of tropical dry forest in Colombia. In Charge of Arachnida component. |
2020 |
Teacher's assistant at the Form and Function in Birds: An Evolutionary Perspective course (Winter semester). Zoological Research Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn, Germany. |
2013 |
Teacher's assistant at the Biotechnology course (I and II Semester). Universidad Icesi, Cali, Colombia. |
2012 – 2013 |
Teacher's assistant at the Cellular biology course (I and II Semester, both years). Universidad Icesi, Cali, Colombia. |
August 2019 |
Two-week field course on Biodiversity of the Tropics in Ecuador. Collected new spider’s species from Napo province to barcode them at Ximo Mengual’s lab at ZFMK, Bonn Germany. |
September 2018 |
Two-week field course on Zoogeography and Ecology of Marine Organisms in Tropical Habitats in Dahab, Egypt. |
June 2017 |
Collected spiders from the project: “Arañas de Ecosistemas bananeros en la región de Úraba” in Apartadó, Antioquia, Colombia |
2016 |
Fieldtrips to accompany the photographers as the scientific editorial coordinator of the book: Farallones de Cali National Natural Park, One of Colombia's Hydrological Treasures. |
2014 to 2015 |
Several fieldtrips to collect spiders for the project: The forest edges as softener of the degradation in fragments of tropical dry forest in Colombia. In dry tropical forests of Valle del Cauca and Cauca departments of Colombia. |
Collected fish for the project: “Caracterización biológica de la ventana de biodiversidad Municipio de Filandia, Quindío, Colombia”. |
January 2014 |
Collected spiders for the project: “Comunidad de arañas (Arachnida: Araneae) del Enclave subxerofítico del corregimiento de Atuncela (Dagua – Valle del Cauca)”. |
2012 to 2013 |
Several fieldtrips to collect spiders from the biological corridors of Filandia, Quindío, Colombia for my bachelor’s thesis. |