Cytology and Evolutionary Biology

Welcome to the website of the Department for Cytology and Evolutionary Biology! Here, you find information about current and former members, research activities, applied methods & techniques, the publication record as well as current teaching activities of our department.
We analyze the evolution of the nervous system and of other organ systems in Bilateria with a strong focus on Arthropoda. Specifically, we are interested in the brain architecture and structure of sensory organs in representatives of Crustacea, Myriapoda und Chelicerata. Another focus is the morphology of fossil arthropods including insects in amber. Our methodological spectrum comprizes immunohistochemistry, classical histology, fluorescence microscopy, confocal laser-scan microscopy, x-ray microscopy, electron microscopy and 3D reconstruction.

Prof. Dr. Steffen Harzsch
Soldmannstr. 23 (House 6.1)
17489 Greifswald
Kerstin Wulf (Secretariat)
Loitzer Straße 26
Phone: +49 (0)3834 420 4251
Special Issues
Below you will find recently published special issues that were (co-)edited by members of our lab:
- Crustaceans in a changing world (Special Issue published online ahead of print). Harzsch S and Wacker A (eds) in Zoology (Elsevier)
- From Water to Land – Terrestrial Adaptations in Arthropods (Special Issue online). Krieger J and Selden PA (eds) in Arthropod Structure & Development (Elsevier).
The DFG-Research Training Group "RESPONSE" is part of the key field of research ECRA.
Partner Lab: Ecophysiology of Invertebrates @ AWI Helgoland
Group Leader
Gabriela Elena Torres
Division Shelf Sea Systems Ecology
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung
Biologische Anstalt Helgoland
Ostkaje 1118, 27498 Helgoland, Germany
Further Links
Anfahrt über die Ausfahrt Nr. 25 "Greifswald" von der A20 auf die B109 in Richtung Greifswald.
Fahren Sie weiter geradeaus auf die Grimmer Landstraße (L26) und biegen Sie dann rechts in die Loitzer Landstraße ein.
Anschließend biegen Sie die erste Straße links in die Soldmannstraße ein und fahren durch bis zum Straßenende.
Dort gelangen Sie auf der rechten Seite durch einen Torbogen auf den Innenhof der Soldmannstraße 23.
Unsere Büro- und Laborräume finden Sie auf der linken Seite hinter dem Torbogen im Haus 6.1.
Arrival by car via motorway exit No. 25 "Greifswald" from motorway A20 to road B109 in the direction of Greifswald.
Continue straight to Grimmer Landstraße (L26) and turn right to Loitzer Landstraße.
Take the first turn left to Soldmannstraße and continue until the end of the road.
By driving through the archway on the right you are approaching the inner courtyard of the Soldmannstraße 23.
Our facilities can be found in House 6.1 on the left, after passing the archway.
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