Dr. Jakob Krieger
Zoological Institute and Museum
Cytology and Evolutionary Biology
Soldmannstr. 23
House 6.1
17489 Greifswald
Phone: +49 (0)3834 420 4109
Fax: +49 (0)3834 420 4067
The conquest of land occurred at least five times convergently within the Crustacea. We are interested in the terrestrial adaptations of the sensory organs and the brain of various terrestrial crustacean taxa in contrast to their nearest marine relatives. In this framework, our main focus lies on the morphology of the central olfactory processing areas.
For our research, we use classical histological, light microscopic techniques, X-Ray computed tomography as well as backfills with neuronal tracers, immunofluorescence labeling in combination with confocal laser-scan microscopy and 3D-reconstruction. In addition to the morphological data, our aim is to study the capacities for orientation of e.g. the giant robber crab Birgus latro in field experiments with the aid of behavioral tests as well as radio- and satellite telemetry. In addition to studies on robber crabs, we use different species of Coenobita as comparison model for bioassays in windtunnel experiments focussing on olfactory behavior. These experimental and morphological data will improve our knowledge of terrestrial adaptations and the evolution of crustacean sensory and nervous systems.
For studying the cognitive capabilities of hermit crabs, we conduct behavioral two-choice experiments on Coenobia compressus using 3D-printed gastropod shells in the lab as well as in the field (Peninsula Osa, Costa Rica).
Research methods:
- Neuroanatomical methods (Histology, Immunohistochemistry, X-Ray computed microtomography, Microscopy (light and confocal laser-scanning microscopy) and 3D reconstruction using AMIRA and IMARIS)
- Telemetric methods (GPS analyses using ArcGIS, 3D accelometry)
- Behavioral bioassays (camera tracked bioassays in windtunnels, motion tracking analysis using OSP Tracker, field experiments with 3D-printed shells)

3rd Place - Students Poster Award of the 3rd International Congress on Invertebrate Morphology (ICIM3) |
3rd Place - Poster Award of the 19th Conference of German Crustaceologists (CrustiTag19) |
500 € Travel grant of the Glaxo-Smith-Kline-Foundation |
875 € Travel grant of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) |
250 € Travel grant of the University of Greifswald |
2.185 € Travel grant of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) |
420 € Daily allowance for hosting Dr. M. Laidre of the International Office of the University of Greifswald |
7.946 € Start-up funding for Junior Research Staff of the rectorate of the University of Greifswald |

Deutsche Zoologische Gesellschaft (DZG) |
International Society for Invertebrate Morphology (ISIM) |
Peer Review: Arthropod, Structure & Development (Elsevier); BMC Biology (Springer); BMC Zoology (Springer); Crustaceana (Brill); Journal of Morphology (Wiley); Journal of Zoology (Wiley); Zoologischer Anzeiger - A Journal of Comparative Zoology (Elsevier)
Guest Editorial: From Water to Land and Back - Terrestrial Adaptations in Arthropods in Arthropod, Structure & Development (Elsevier)
2018 and 2019 | Field trip to Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica for studying shell-choice behavior of C. compressus using 3D-printed shells |
2017 | Short research stay at Dartmouth College, Hanover (NH; USA) at the lab of Prof. Mark Laidre |
2017 | Field trip to Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica for studying odor-guided behavior of Coenobita compressus |
2011 - 2012 | GPS-telemetric and behavioral studies on Birgus latro on Christmas Island, Indian Ocean, Australia |
2010 | Collecting journey of the Zoological Institute of the University of Greifswald to Christmas Island, Indian Ocean, Australia |
2009 | Collecting journey of the Zoological Institute of the University of Greifswald to Roscoff, France |
2008 | Wadden Sea Excursion on Sylt (Germany) of the University of Rostock |
2008 | Zoological field trip of the University of Rostock to Ibiza, Spain |
2008 | Two ichthyological boat trips on the Baltic with the FFS "Solea" of the Johann-Heinrich-von-Thünen-Institut of Rostock |
2007 | Zoological field trip of the University of Rostock to Ibiza, Spain |
- Krieger J, Fregin T, Harzsch S (2024) The eyestalk photophore of Northern krill Meganyctiphanes norvegica (M. Sars) (Euphausiacea) re-investigated: innervation by specialized ommatidia of the compound eye. Arthropod Structure and Development: in press
- Schultz D, Cuypers F, Skorka SB, Rockstroh J, Gesell Salazar M, Krieger J, Albrecht D, Völker U, Hammerschmidt S, Lalk M, Siemens N, Methling K (2022). Bioactive lipid screening during respiratory tract infections with bacterial and viral pathogens in mice. Metabolomics 18, 39. Open access.
- Selden PA & Krieger J (2021) Editorial. Arthropod Structure & Development. 64:101099 (in the special issue 'From Water to Land – Terrestrial Adaptations in Arthropods' Krieger J & Selden PA (eds)).
- Harzsch S & Krieger J (2021) Genealogical relationships of mushroom bodies, hemiellipsoid bodies, and their afferent pathways in the brains of Pancrustacea: recent progress and open questions. Arthropod Structure & Development 65:101100. Open access.
- Šargač Z, Giménez L, Harzsch S, Krieger J, Fjordside K, Torres G (2021) Contrasting offspring responses to variation in salinity and temperature among coastal populations: a maladaptive ecological surprise? Marine Ecology Progress Series 677:51-65 Open access.
- Melzer RR, Spitzner F, Šargač Z, Hörnig MK, Krieger J, Haug C, Haug JT, Kirchhoff T, Meth R, Torres G, Harzsch S (2021) Methods to study organogenesis in decapod crustacean larvae II: analysing cells and tissues. Helgoland Marine Research 75:2. Open access.
- Krieger J, Hörnig MK, Kenning M, Hansson BS, Harzsch S (2021) More than one way to smell ashore - Evolution of the olfactory pathway in terrestrial malacostracan crustaceans. Arthropod Structure & Development 60:101022. Available ahead of print from the publisher's website within the special issue: From Water to Land – Terrestrial Adaptations in Arthropods Krieger J & Selden PA (eds) in Arthropod Structure & Development (Elsevier).
- Krieger J, Hörnig MK, Laidre ME (2020) Shells as ‘extended architecture’: to escape isolation, social hermit crabs choose shells with the right external architecture. Animal Cognition 23(6):1177-1187. Open access.
- Machon J, Krieger J, Zbinden M, Ravaux J, Harzsch S (2020) Exploring brain diversity in crustaceans: sensory systems of deep vent shrimps. Neuroforum 26(2):73-84. Access article viawww.degruyter.com.
- Krieger J, Hörnig MK, Sandeman RE, Sandeman DC, Harzsch S (2020) Masters of communication: The brain of the banded cleaner shrimp Stenopus hispidus (Olivier, 1811) with an emphasis on sensory processing areas. Journal of Comparative Neurology 528(9):1561-1587. Open access.
- Krieger J & Spitzner F (2020) X-Ray Microscopy of the Larval Crustacean Brain. In: Sprecher S. (eds) Brain Development. Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol 2047:253-270. Humana, New York, NY. Download chapter or bookvia Springer Nature.
- Gadenne C, Groh C, Grübel K, Joschinski J, Krauss J, Krieger J, Rössler W, Anton S (2019) Neuroanatomical correlates of mobility: sensory brain centres are bigger in winged than in wingless parthenogenetic pea aphid females. Arthropod Structure & Development 52:100883. Download pdf via Science Direct.
- Machon J, Krieger J, Meth R, Zbinden M, Ravaux J, Montagné N, Chertemps T, Harzsch S (2019) Neuroanatomy of a hydrothermal vent shrimp provides insights into the evolution of crustacean integrative brain centers. eLife 2019;8:e47550. Open access.
- Knaden M, Bisch-Knaden S, Linz J, Reinecke A, Krieger J, Erland S, Harzsch S, and Hansson BS (2019) Acetoin, a key odor for resource location in the giant robber crab, Birgus latro. Download pdfvia Journal of Experimental Biology 222(12):jeb202929.
- Nischik ES & Krieger J (2018) Evaluation of standard imaging techniques and volumetric preservation of nervous tissue in genetically identical offspring of the crayfish Procambarus fallax cf. virginalis (Marmorkrebs). PeerJ 6:e5181 Open Access
- Harzsch S & Krieger J (2018) Crustacean olfactory systems: a comparative review and a crustacean perspective on insect olfactory systems. Progress in Neurobiology 161:23-60. Downloadvia Science Direct.
- Holst S, Michalik P, Noske M, Krieger J, Sötje S (2016) Potential of X-ray micro-computed tomography for soft-bodied and gelatinous cnidarians with special emphasis on scyphozoan and cubozoan statoliths. Journal of Plankton Research 38 (5):1225-1242. Download via Oxford Journals.
- Krieger J (2016) Neuroanatomische und neuroethologische Untersuchungen am größten terrestrischen Gliederfüßer, dem Palmendieb Birgus latro (Linnaeus, 1767) (Crustacea, Anomala), auf der Weihnachtsinsel (Indischer Ozean). Inaugural-Dissertation Universität Greifswald. 157 pp. pdfviaOPUS-Datenbank der Universitätsbibliothek Greifswald.
- Krieger J, Drew MM, Hansson BS, Harzsch S (2016) Notes on the foraging strategies of the Giant Robber Crab Birgus latro (Anomala) on Christmas Island: Evidence for active predation on Red Crabs Gecarcoidea natalis (Brachyura). Zoological Studies 55:6. Open access. Download additional movie file (.mp4) by using right-click on this link and "save target as...".
- Krieger J*, Braun P*, Rivera NT, Schubart CD, Müller CHG, Harzsch S (2015) Comparative analyses of olfactory systems in terrestrial crabs (Brachyura): Evidence for aerial olfaction?. PeerJ 3:e1433. *shared first authorshipOpen access.
- Harzsch S, Krieger J, Faulkes Z (2015) Astacida. In "Evolutionary Developmental Biology of Invertebrates 4: Ecdysozoa II: Crustacea" A. Wanniger (ed.), Springer. Buy chapter or bookvia Springer Nature.
- Krieger J, Grandy R, Drew MM, Erland S, Stensmyr MC, Harzsch S, Hansson BS (2012) Giant robber crabs monitored from space: GPS-based telemetric studies on Christmas Island (Indian Ocean). PLoS ONE 7(11):e49809. Open access
- Krieger J, Sombke A, Seefluth F, Kenning M, Hansson BS, Harzsch S (2012) Comparative brain architecture of the European shore Crab Carcinus maenas (Brachyura) and the Common hermit Crab Pagurus bernhardus (Anomura). Cell and Tissue Research. 348(1):47-69. Downloadvia Springer Nature.
- Harzsch S, Rieger V, Krieger J, Seefluth F, Strausfeld NJ, Hansson BS (2011) Transition from marine to terrestrial ecologies: Changes in olfactory and tritocerebral neuropils in land-living isopods. Arthropod Structure and Development 40:244-257. Downloadvia Science Direct.
- Krieger J, Sandeman RE, Sandeman DC, Hansson BS, Harzsch S. (2010) Brain architecture of the largest living land arthropod, the Giant Robber Crab Birgus latro (Crustacea, Anomura, Coenobitidae): evidence for a prominent central olfactory pathway? Frontiers in Zoology. 7:25. Open access.
Press coverage (selection)
- Krieger J (2021)Tropische Landeinsiedler und die Qual der (Schalen)wahl. Vorweisungen aus der Zoologischen Sammlung der Universität Rostock, Germany. Invited public talk (online)
- Krieger J, Laidre ME (2019) Social cues speed up tool-use cognition in an invertebrate. Behaviour (56th Annual Conference of the Animal Behavior Society and the 36th International Ethological Conference), Chicago, Illinois, USA. Travel grant of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
- Krieger J, Hörnig MK, Laidre ME (2019)Verhaltensversuche im Maßanzug – Schalenwahl als Grundlage für Kognitionsexperimente am Pazifischen Landeinsiedler Coenobita compressus H. Milne-Edwards, 1836. CrustiTag 2019, Munich, Germany. Travel grant of the University of Greifswald of 250 €
- Krieger J (2018) Hermit housing situation in Costa Rica - Shell choice experiments and olfactory guided behavior of the Pacific hermit crab Coenobita compressus H. Milne-Edwards, 1836 (Malacostraca, Anomala). Institute Symposium of the Zoological Institute and Museum of the University of Greifswald, Germany.
- Krieger J (25.04.2018) Neuroethology of terrestrial crustaceans. University of Ulm, Germany. Invited talk
- López AI, Haug JT, Hörnig MK, Krieger J, Haug C (2017) Convergent evolution of raptorial appendages in arthropods: first steps towards a quantitative approach. 110th Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society, Bielefeld, Germany.
- Krieger J, Sombke A, Harzsch S (2017) Three somatotopic maps for one sensorial modality – Brain architecture of the banded cleaner shrimp Stenopus hispidus (Olivier, 1811); (Malacostraca, Stenopodidea). 4th International Congress on Invertebrate Morphology (ICIM4) Moscow, Russion Federation Travel grant of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) of 875 €
- Krieger J, Winter M, Sombke A, Harzsch S (2016) Brain anatomy in the banded cleaner shrimp (Malacostraca, Stenopodidea) – comparison of mechanosensory neuropils in Stenopus hispidus and in other malacostracan taxa. 4th Symposium of the Arthropod Neuroscience Network, Kiel, Germany
- Kirchhoff T, Krieger J, Harzsch S (2014) Vom Wasser an Land: Einblicke in die Postembryonalentwicklung des Palmendiebes Birgus latro (Linnaeus, 1767); 7. Graduiertentreffen Fachgruppe Morphologie der DZG, Hamburg, Germany.
- Krieger J, Hansson BS, Harzsch S (2014) Crabs on the move - Telemetric analyses of migrations and daily activity of the giant robber crab Birgus latro on Christmas Island (Indian Ocean). 8th International Crustacean Congress, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
- Harzsch S, Krieger J, Hansson BS (2014) Terrestrial adaptations of the sense of smell in terrestrial Anomura and Brachyura. 8th International Crustacean Congress, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
- Krieger J, Braun P, Harzsch S (2014) Evolution of the central olfactory pathway in terrestrial brachyurans (true crabs) versus terrestrial anomurans (hermit crabs). Rauischholzhausen Seminar: Development and Plasticity of the insect nervous system, Rauischholzhausen, Germany.
- Krieger J, Grandy R, Drew MM, Erland S, Stensmyr MC, Harzsch S, Hansson BS (2012) Giant Robber Crabs (Birgus latro) monitored from space GPS-based telemetric studies on Christmas Island. 105. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft, Konstanz, Germany.
- Krieger J, Harzsch S and Hansson BS (2011) GPS– und Radiotelemetrische Untersuchungen zur Migration des Palmendiebes, Birgus latro Linnaeus, 1767 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Anomura) auf der Weihnachtsinsel. 15. Crustaceologen-Tagung, Regensburg, Germany.
- Krieger J, Sandeman RE, Sandeman DC, Hansson BS and Harzsch S (2010) Brain architecture of the largest living land arthropod, the Giant Robber Crab Birgus latro (Crustacea, Anomura, Coenobitidae): evidence for a prominent central olfactory pathway? EVOLF MMX Conference, Christmas Island, Australia.
- Krieger J, Seefluth F, Sandeman DC, Sandeman RE, Hansson BS and Harzsch S (2010) Brain architecture of Birgus latro L., 1767 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Anomura) in comparison to other terrestrial and marine decapod crustaceans. 103. Jahrestagung der DZG, Hamburg, Germany.
- Krieger J (2010) Die Gehirnarchitektur von Birgus latro (Linnaeus, 1767), (Crustacea, Decapoda, Anomura) Institutssymposium Zoologisches Institut Universität Greifswald, Germany.
- Krieger J, Seefluth F, Sandemann DC, Hansson BS und Harzsch S (2009) Die Gehirnarchitektur von Birgus latro (Anomura) und Gecarcoidea natalis (Brachyura): Beispiele für terrestrische Adaptionen des Geruchssinns. 2. Graduiertenforum Fachgruppe Morphologie der DZG, Greifswald, Germany.
- Hörnig MK, Harzsch S, Krieger J (2019) Smarte Reinigungskräfte - Das Gehirn und sensorische Kopfstrukturen der gebänderten Scherengarnele Stenopus hispidus (Olivier, 1811). 19th Conference of German Crustaceologists (CrustiTag19), München 3rd place Poster Award
- Hörnig MK, Rath A-C, Martin I, Harzsch S, Krieger J (2018) Sensing the environment – an atlas of the malacostracan sensory appendages. 111th Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society, Greifswald.
- Krieger J, Laidre ME, Hörnig, MK (2018) Shell-use as a tool in the Pacific hermit crab Coenobita compressus H. Milne-Edwards, 1836, 111th Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society, Greifswald.
- López AI, Haug JT, Hörnig MK, Krieger J, Haug, C (2017) Convergent evolution of raptorial appendages in arthropods: first steps towards a quantitative approach. 110th Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society, Bielefeld, Germany
- Richter AC, Hörnig MK, Martin I, Harzsch S, Kieger J (2017). Sensing the environment – the morphological diversity of first and second antennal appendages in Malacostraca. 18. Crustaceologen-Tagung, Berlin
- Hörnig MK, López AI, Krieger J, Haug JT, Haug C (2017). Konvergente Evolution der Raubbeine bei Gespenstkrebsen und Gottesanbeterinnen: ein funktionsmorphologischer Vergleich. 18. Crustaceologen-Tagung, Berlin
- Kreifelts V and Krieger J (2017) A crustacean invader’s brain - the anatomy of the central nervous system in the Japanese skeleton shrimp Caprella mutica (Malacostraca, Amphipoda), 110th Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society, Bielefeld, Germany.
- Haug C, López AI, Hörnig MK, Krieger J, Haug JT (2017) Convergent evolution of raptorial appendages in arthropods. 4th International Congress on Invertebrate Morphology (ICIM4), Moscow, Russion Federation.
- Kreifelts V and Krieger J (2016) Brain anatomy in the Japanese skeleton shrimp Caprella mutica (Malacostraca, Amphipoda); 109th Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society, Kiel, Germany.
- Krieger J, Winter M, Sombke A, Harzsch S (2016) Neuroanatomy in the banded cleaner shrimp (Malacostraca, Stenopodidea) – Structure of mechanosensory neuropils in Stenopus hispidus (Olivier, 1811); 109th Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society, Kiel, Germany.
- Krieger J, Hansson BS, Harzsch S (2015) Evolution of terrestrial olfaction in representatives of hermit crabs (Anomala) with notes on true crabs (Brachyura); 14th Europoean Symposium for Insect Taste and Olfaction (ESITO), Villasimius (Sardinia), Italy. Travel grant of the GSK Foundation of 500 €
- Rudolf, N.R., Haug, C., Harzsch, S., Krieger, J., Hamasaki, K., Haug, J.T. (2015). Die Metamorphose des Palmendiebes Birgus latro (Decapoda, Coenobitidae). Crustaceologentagung 2015, Bremerhaven.
- Krieger J, Kirchhoff T, Hamasaki K, Harzsch S (2014) Transition to land - the larval development of the giant robber crab Birgus latro (Linnaeus, 1767), with a focus on antennal and brain morphology; 3rd International Congress on Invertebrate Morphology, Berlin, Germany. 3rd place Students Poster Award
- Braun P, Krieger J, Hansson BS, Harzsch S (2014) Structure of the central olfactory pathway in marine versus terrestrial brachyuran crustaceans; 3rd International Congress on Invertebrate Morphology, Berlin, Germany.
- Krieger J, Grandy R, Drew MM, Erland S, Stensmyr MC, Harzsch S, Hansson BS (2013) Telemetric studies on Birgus latro on Christmas Island; 16. Crustaceologen-Tagung, Greifswald, Germany.
- Krieger J, Grandy R, Drew MM, Erland S, Stensmyr MC, Harzsch S, Hansson BS (2012) Giant Robber Crabs (Birgus latro) monitored from space: GPS-based telemetric studies on Christmas Island (Indian Ocean); 14th ISBE, Lund, Sweden.
- Krieger J, Seefluth F, Sandeman RE, Sandeman DC, Hansson BS and Harzsch S (2011) Terrestrial adaptations of olfactory systems – A comparative neuroanatomical study of terrestrial and marine members of the Meiura; 9th Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society, Germany / The 9th International Conference and Workshop on Lobster Biology and Management, Bergen, Norway.
- Harzsch S, Krieger J, Rieger V, Strausfeld NJ, Hansson BS (2011) Transition from marine to terrestrial ecologies: changes in olfactory and tritocerebral neuropils in land-living isopods; 15. Crustaceologen-Tagung, Regensburg, Germany.
- Seefluth F, Krieger J, Harzsch S (2010) Brain architecture of the European shore crab Carcinus maenas (Linnaeus, 1758); 103. Jahrestagung der DZG, Hamburg, Germany.
- Seefluth F, Krieger J, Harzsch S (2009) Die Gehirnarchitektur der gemeinen Strandkrabbe (Carcinus maenas). 2. Graduiertenforum Fachgruppe Morphologie der DZG, Greifswald, Germany.