DZG Conference in Greifswald: Talks, posters and prizes!

More than 400 zoologists visited Greifswald between the 10th and 15th September to join the annual meeting of the DZG. There were 6 satellite symposia and up to 4 parallel sessions with topics as diverse as morphology, physiology, evolutionary biology, behavior, neurobiology, ecology and systematics.

Post Doc Lenka Sentenska gave a talk entitled "Immature mating and male mate choice in the cannibalistic brown widow spider Latrodectus geometricus".

PhD student Philip Steinhoff gave a talk entitled "Complex integration of visual information: The secondary eye pathway of the jumping spider brain".

PhD student Pierick Mouginot presented a poster with the title "The evolution of female genital mutilation: implications of fitness costs and female mate preference".

Project Researcher Brian Schulze presented a poster with the title "Dispersal in the spider Argiope bruennichi: do density and kinship matter?".

PhD student Shou Wang Lin presented a poster with the title "Implications of the newly discovered species richness of the dwarf spider genus Shaanxinus Tanasevitch, 2006 (Araneae, Linyphiidae, Erigoninae) from Taiwan and Vietnam": This poster won the prize for the best poster in the section systematics. Congratulations Shou-Wang!

Project Researcher Marina Wolz presented a poster with the title "Latitudinal differences in life history traits of a rapidly range-expanding spider". This poster won the prize for the best overall poster. Congratulations Marina!

PhD student Monica Sheffer presented a poster with the title " Zooming in on range expansion: insights into the microbiome of the European wasp spider, Argiope bruennichi". This poster won the prize for the third-best poster overall as well as the special prize, sponsored by Nikon. Congratulations Monica!

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