Jan Phillipp Geißel, M.Sc.
Zoological Institute and Museum
Cytology and Evolutionary Biology
Soldmannstr. 23
House 6.1
17489 Greifswald
Phone: +49 (0)3834 420 4065
Fax: +49 (0)3834 420 4067
(temporarily on Helgoland)
Society for Experimental Biology (SEB), Deutsche Zoologische Gesellschaft (DZG), Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS)
- Geißel JP, Espinosa-Novo N, Giménez L, Ewers C, Cornelius A, Martínez-Alarcón D, Harzsch S, Torres G (2024) Interactive responses to temperature and salinity in larvae of the Asian brush-clawed crab Hemigrapsus takanoi: relevance for range expansion into the Baltic Sea, in the context of climate change. Biological Invasions. Open Access
- Stein W, Torres G, Giménez L, Espinosa-Novo N, Geißel JP, Vidal-Gadea A, Harzsch S (2023) Thermal acclimation and habitat-dependent differences in temperature robustness of a crustacean motor circuit. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, section Cellular Neurophysiology: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fncel.2023.1263591/abstract
Conference contributions
- Geißel, J.P., Espinosa-Novo, N., Giménez, L., Aberle, N., van der Meeren, G.I., Harzsch, S., Torres, G., (2024) 116th Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society, oral presentation, "Trends in early larval traits and responses to chronic vs. acute exposure across a latitudinal gradient: the European shore crabCarcinus maenas", Stuttgart, Germany.
- Geißel, J.P., Espinosa-Novo, N., Giménez, L., Aberle, N., van der Meeren, G.I., Harzsch, S., Torres, G., (2024) Arctic Frontiers Actions & Reactions, poster presentation, “Adapted to the cold? Larval thermal tolerance across the native range in the European shore crab Carcinus maenas and potential for range expansions into the Arctic”, Tromsø, Norway
- Geißel, J.P., Espinosa-Novo, N., Giménez, L., Harzsch, S., Torres, G. (2023) 10th International Crustacean Congress, oral presentation “Adapted to the cold? Larval thermal tolerance across the native range in the European shore crab Carcinus maenas”, Wellington, New Zealand.
- Geißel, J.P., Giménez, L., Harzsch, S., Torres, G. (2022) poster presentation, Küstensymposium „Küste im Wandel“, “Living at the Frontier - Salinity and Temperature During Larval Development of Hemigrapsus takanoi Determine the Potential for an Invasion of the Baltic Sea”, Konsortium Deutsche Meeresforschung, Hamburg, Germany
- Geißel, J.P., Giménez, L., Harzsch, S., Torres, G. (2021) YOUMARES 12 – oral presentation, “Living at the frontier - salinity and temperature during larval development influencing the potential for an invasion of the Baltic Sea”
- Geißel, J.P. (2020) YOUMARES 11– Host of the session: “How do marine key species respond to a rapidly changing environment?”
Awards & Grants
3rd Place - Best Talk Award at the 116th Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society (DZG) in Stuttgart, Germany (2024).
DAAD RISE Germany scholarship to host a research internship
Erasmus+ Staff mobility to participate in the course "Climate Change Biology" at UNIS - The university centre in Svalbard