
May 2024

May 14: A new paper entitled “How climate change might impact insect movement via physiological mechanisms” has been published. Further information can be found under “Publications”.

May 2nd: We are pleased to welcome four new students to our working group. Emma, Frida, Inga and Pauline will work on the butterfly Pieris napi and perform different analyses. A warm welcome!


April 2024

April 22nd: New publications in the “Journal of Thermal Biology” and “One Earth”. More information on the articles under “Publications”.


March 2024

March 21st: Yesterday, Emma Clauder presented the results of her bachelor thesis on Macoma balthica and thus successfully completed her work.

We would like to thank Emma for her support in our working group and wish her all the best for the future!

March 13: The team congratulates Kevin Roberts on another publication! More information on this under "Publications".

March 5th: We are looking for support and can offer two open positions for a DFG-project right now. You can find more information under this link: