Dr. Andreas Fischer
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Zoologisches Institut und Museum
Allgemeine und Systematische Zoologie
Loitzer Str. 26
17489 Greifswald
Tel. +49 3834 420 4286
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Research Interests
My research focuses on understanding how spiders communicate through taste and smell. This is motivated by the need for integrated pest management options for urban spiders as arachnophobia drives the use of pesticides against harmless spiders. My work primarily involves the neurotoxin-producing widow-subfamily Latrodectinae, identifying their sex pheromone and mate-call mechanisms, as well as investigating the chemical ecology of their sexual signals. To achieve my research goals, I use non-targeted metabolomics based on coupled high-resolution mass spectrometry-high-performance-liquid chromatography (HRMS-HPLC), as well as gas chromatography-MS (GC/MS) analyses. My prime interest lies in identifying natural semiochemicals produced by spiders or perceived by them in an attracting or deterring fashion.
2006-2009 | Abitur at Ernährungswissenschaftlichem Gymnasium in Sigmaringen |
2000-2006 | Middle school (Realschule) in Pfullendorf |
1996-2000 | Elementary school Löwen in Pfullendorf |
Scientific training
since 10/2023 | Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter at Zoological Insitute and Museum at University of Greifswald |
10/2023-today | cumulative habilitation at the Zoological Institute and Museum at University of Greifswald |
2019-2023 | Doctorate in Biological Sciences (PhD) at Simon Fraser University, Canada |
2022 | Parental Leave |
2016-2018+2023 | Master of Pest Management (MPM) at Simon Fraser University, Canada |
2009-2016 | Study of biology and chemistry with teaching credentials for secondary schools at Ulm University (1. Staatsexamen gymn. Lehramt) |
Presentation and Poster Awards | |
2021 | 11. Best Presentation Award (PhD competition), Annual Meeting of Entomological Society of Canada |
2021 | 10. Best Presentation Award (runner up), (PhD competition), Annual Meeting, Entomological Society of British Columbia |
2021 | 9. Best Presentation Award, International Society of Chemical Ecology |
2021 | 8. Best Presentation Award (runner up), European Arachnological Congress |
2020 | 7. Best Presentation Award (runner up), European Arachnological Congress |
2019 | 6. Best Presentation Award (PhD competition), Annual Meeting, Entomological Society of British Columbia. |
2019 | 5. Best Poster Award, 21st International Congress of Arachnology |
2019 | 4. Second Place, 3-Minute Thesis Competition, Faculty of Science, SFU |
2018 | 3. President’s Award (oral presentation), Joint Meeting of the Entomological Societies of America, Canada and British Columbia |
2016 | 2. Best Poster Award, 20^th International Congress of Arachnology |
2015 | 1. Best Student Presentation (oral), 29th European Congress of Arachnology |
Stipends and Grants | |
2023 | 23. SFU PhD Research Scholarship |
2023 | 22. TSSU Child-care Fund |
2022 | 21. SFU Open Access Fund |
2021 | 20. Science Outreach Award, Department of Biological Sciences, SFU |
2021 | 19. TSSU Child-care fund |
2021 | 18. NSERC Parental Leave Supplement |
2021 | 17. SFU Open Access Fund |
2020 | 16. American Arachnological Society Arachnological Research Fund |
2020 | 15. Oscar & Jan Francke International Society of Arachnology Research Fund |
2020 | 14. SFU Graduate Int. Research & Travel Award |
2020-2023 | 13. Alexander Graham Bell Scholarship of NSERC |
2020 | 12. SFU Open Access Fund |
2020 | 11. SFU Graduate Fellowship |
2019 | 10. SFU President’s PhD Scholarship |
2019 | 9. Graduate Student Scholarship Entomological Society of B.C. |
2019 | 8. John H. Borden Scholarship Entomological Society of Canada |
2019 | 7. Travel Award, International Society for Chemical Ecology |
2018 | 6. SFU Graduate Fellowship |
2018 | 5. Dr. H. R. MacCarthy Graduate Bursary |
2018 | 4. SFU Travel Research Award |
2017 | 3. SFU Graduate Fellowship |
2016 | 2. Travel Award, American Arachnology Society |
2915 | 1. Travel Award, Ulm University |
since 10/2023 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter at Zoological Insitute and Museum at University of Greifswald |
2023 |
12. Fischer, A, A.C. Roman-Torres, J. Vurdela, Y. Lee, N. Bahar, R. Gries, S. Alamsetti, H. Chen, G. Gries. 2023. Non-targeted metabolomics aids in sex pheromone identification – a proof-of-concept study with the triangulate cobweb spider, Steatoda triangulosa. Scientific Reports 13:18426, PDF |
11. Fischer, A, Y. Fernando, A. Preston, S. Moniz-de-Sa, Gerhard Gries. 2023. Widow spiders alter web-architecture and -attractiveness in response to same-sex competition for prey and mates and predation risk. Communications Biology. 6:1028, doi.org/10.1038/s42003-023-05392-y PDF |
2022 |
10. Fischer, A, R. Gries, S.K. Alamsetti, E. Hung, A.C.R. Torres, S. Fernando, S. Meraj, W. Ren, R. Britton, G. Gries. 2022. Origin, structure, and functional transition of contact pheromone components to volatile male attractant pheromone components in a widow spider. Communications Biology 5:1156, PDF |
2021 |
9. Fischer A, S. Schulz, M. Ayasse, G. Uhl. 2021. Pheromone communication among sexes of the garden cross spider Araneus diadematus. The Science of Nature 108:38, PDF |
8. Fischer A, Y. Lee, T. Dong, G. Gries. 2021. Know your foe – Synanthropic spiders are deterred by semiochemicals of European fire ants. Royal Society Open Science 8:210279, PDF |
7.Fischer A, S. MacLennan, R. Gries, G. Gries. 2021. Herbivore-induced plant volatiles do not affect settling decisions by synanthropic spiders. Chemoecology 31: 201-208, PDF |
2020 |
6. Fischer A, X. H. Goh, J.-L. S. Varney, A. J. Blake, S. Takács, G. Gries. 2020. Multimodal and multifunctional signaling? – Web reduction courtship behavior in a North American population of the false black widow spider. PLoS ONE 15:e0228988, doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0228988 PDF |
5. Fischer A, E. Hung, N. Amiri, G. Gries. 2020. ‘Mine or Thine’ – Indiscriminate responses to own and conspecific webs by a cobweb spider. Journal of Ethology 38: 241-245, doi.org/10.1007/s10164-020-00641-7 PDF |
2019 |
4. Fischer, A., E. Hung, G. Gries. 2019. Female false black widow spiders, Steatoda grossa, recognize webs based on physical and chemical cues. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 167: 803-810 (cover story), doi.org/10.1111/eea.12825 PDF |
3. Fischer, A. 2019. Chemical communication in spiders – a methodological review. Journal of Arachnology 47: 1-27, doi.org/10.1636/0161-8202-47.1.1 |
2018 |
2. Fischer, A., Y. Lee, J. Stewart, G. Gries. 2018. Dodging sexual conflict? – Sub-adult females of a web building spider stay cryptic to mate-seeking adult males. /Ethology/ 124: 838-843. (cover story), doi.org/10.1111/eth.12807 PDF |
1. Fischer, A., M. Ayasse, and M.C.B. Andrade. 2018.Natural compounds as spider repellents: Fact or Myth? Journal of Economic Entomology 111: 314-318. |
Non-Refereed Publication |
1. Gries G. J. & A. Fischer. 2019. Get 'inspidered' - from fear of spiders to fascination. The Conversation |