Philip O.M. Steinhoff
Doctoral Researcher
Zoological Institute und Museum
General and Systematic Zoology
Loitzer Str. 26
17489 Greifswald
Building 3.3, Room 0.48
Phone: +49 (0)3834 420-4245
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Looking for a thesis topic?
Here is a teaser for possible projects with me. Get in touch if you are interested!
Research interests
I am interested in how brains integrate sensory information to produce behavior, and how behavior in turn influences sensory perception. I approach this topic by comparatively studying spider species that differ strongly in their lifestyles and their sensory equipment.
Furthermore, I have a long-standing interest in the faunistics and taxonomy of dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata) in South-East Asia.
Currently I am working on:
Functional roles and plasticity of spider brain areas.
Taxonomy and distribution of Odonata in Borneo and Vietnam.
2021 |
Dow, R. A.; Ahmad, R.; Butler, S. G.; Choong, C. Y.; Grinang, J.; Ng, Y. F.; Ngiam, R. W. J.; Reels, G. T.; Steinhoff, P. O. M. & Unggang, J. 2021: Previously unpublished Odonata records from Sarawak, Borneo, part VI: Miri Division including checklists for Niah, Lambir Hills, Loagan Bunut and Pulong Tau National Parks. Faunistic Studies in Southeast Asian and Pacific Island Odonata 36: 1-94. PDF |
2020 |
Steinhoff, P. O. M.; Warfen, B.; Voigt, S.; Uhl, G.; Dammhahn, M. 2020: Individual differences in risk‐taking affect foraging across different landscapes of fear. Oikos 129 (12): 1891-1902. PDF |
Steinhoff, P. O. M.; Uhl, G.; Harzsch, S. & Sombke, A. 2020: Visual pathways in the brain of the jumping spider Marpissa muscosa. Journal of Comparative Neurology 528: 1883–1902. PDF |
Kompier, T.; Dow, R. A. & Steinhoff, P. O. M. 2020: Five new species of Coeliccia Kirby, 1890 from Vietnam (Odonata: Platycnemididae), and information on several other species of the genus. ZooTaxa 4766: 501–538. Link |
2019 |
Steinhoff, P. O. M.; Ahmad, R.; Butler, S. G.; Choong, C. Y.; Dow, R. A. & Reels, G. T. 2019: Odonata of Gunong Mulu National Park in Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo. International Dragonfly Fund Report 141: 1-50. PDF |
Dow, R. A.; Butler, S. G.; Reels, G. T.; Steinhoff, P. O. M.; Stokvis, F. R. & Unggang, J. 2019: Previously unpublished Odonata records from Sarawak, Borneo, part IV: Bintulu Division including the Planted Forest Project and Similajau National Park. Faunistic Studies in Southeast Asian and Pacific Island Odonata 27: 1-66. PDF |
Reim, E.; Eichhorn, D.; Roy, J. D.; Steinhoff, P. O. M. & Fischer, K. 2019: Nutritional stress reduces flight performance and exploratory behavior in a butterfly. Insect Science 26 (5): 897-910. Link |
2018 |
Steinhoff, P. O. M.; Liedtke, J.; Sombke, A.; Schneider, J. M. & Uhl, G. 2018: Early environmental conditions affect the volume of higher-order brain centers in a jumping spider. Journal of Zoology 304(3): 182-192. Link |
2017 |
Steinhoff, P. O. M.*; Sombke, A.*; Liedtke, J.; Schneider, J. M.; Harzsch, S. & Uhl, G. 2017: The synganglion of the jumping spider Marpissa muscosa (Arachnida: Salticidae): insights from histology, immunohistochemistry and microCT analysis. Arthropod Structure & Development 46: 156-170. *shared first authorship Link |
2016 |
Böhm, F.; Brückner ,J.; Eichhorn, D.; Geiger, R.; Johl, B.; Kahl, S.; Kleudgen, I.; Köhler, K.; Kreifelts, V.; Metschke, K.; Meyer, M.; Richter, A.-C.; Schulze; B.; Stecker, R.-M.; Steinhoff P. O. M.; Winter, M. & Fischer, K. 2016: Cloud cover but not artificial light pollution affect the morning activity of wood pigeons. Ornis Fennica 93: 246–252. Link |
Burner, R. C.; Chua, V. L.; Brady, M. L.; van Els, P.; Steinhoff P. O. M.; Rahman, M. A. & Sheldon, F. H. 2016: An ornithological survey of Gunung Mulu National Park, Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 128(2): 242–254 Link |
Butler, S. G.; Steinhoff, P. O. M. & Dow, R. A. 2016: Description of the final instar larva of Acrogomphus jubilaris Lieftinck, 1964 (Odonata, Gomphidae), with information on the distribution of Acrogomphus in Borneo. ZooTaxa 4184(2): 367–375. Link |
Steinhoff, P.O.M.; Butler, S. & Dow, R.A. 2016: Description of the final instar larva of Orthetrum borneense Kimmins 1936 (Odonata, Libellulidae), using rearing and molecular methods. ZooTaxa 4083 (1): 099-108. Link |
2015 |
Steinhoff, P.O.M. & Uhl, G. 2015: Taxonomy and nomenclature of some mainland South-East Asian Coeliccia species (Odonata, Platycnemididae), using microCT analysis. ZooTaxa 4059: 257-276. PDF |
Mouginot, P.; Prügel, J.; Thom, U.; Steinhoff, P.O.M.; Kupryjanovicz, J. & Uhl, G. 2015: Securing paternity by mutilating female genitalia. Current Biology 25(22): 2980-2984. Link |
Steinhoff, P.O.M. 2015: Results of Odonata larval rearing in the Gunung Mulu National Park, Sarawak, Malaysia from April to August 2014. International Dragonfly Fund Report 78: 1-11. Link |
2013 |
Steinhoff, P.O.M. & Do, M.C. 2013: Notes on some Coeliccia species from Vietnam. Odonatologica 42: 337-347. Link |
2012 |
Steinhoff, P.O.M. 2012: Records of Odonata from Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park and its Buffer Zone, central Vietnam. Entomologie Heute 24: 37-49. Link |
2021 |
113th Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society (DZG), Würzburg, Germany (fully virtual). Oral presentation “Analysis of the neural substrate for visual motion processing in cursorial and stationary hunting spiders” |
32nd European Congress of Arachnology, Greifswald (fully virtual). Oral presentation “Comparative anatomy of the visual system for motion processing in the brains of cursorial and stationary hunting spiders” |
2020 |
Evolution and Ecology Seminar, University of Tübingen, Germany. Invited talk "Lifestyle matters: Functional role and plasticity of brain areas in spiders" |
2019 |
Neuroethology Satellite Meeting of the 112th Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society (DZG), Jena, Germany. Oral presentation “Lifestyle matters: Brain morphology in cursorial and stationary hunting spiders”Animal Ecology Seminar, University of Potsdam, Germany. Invited talk "Function and plasticity of brain areas in spiders" |
Perspectives in Invertebrate Morphology, Hiddensee Symposium, Hiddensee, Germany. Oral presentation "Function and plasticity of brain areas in spiders" |
21st International Congress of Arachnology (ICA), Christchurch, New Zealand. Oral presentation “Complex integration of visual information: The secondary eye pathway of the jumping spider brain” |
21st International Congress of Arachnology (ICA), Christchurch, New Zealand. Poster presentation “Lifestyle matters: Brain morphology in stationary and cursorial hunting spiders” |
Workshop “Spider trait network” at the 21st International Congress of Arachnology (ICA), Christchurch, New Zealand. Oral presentation “Building a chelicerate brain database” |
2018 |
Zoological Colloquium, University of Greifswald, Germany. Oral presentation on the occasion of the master thesis award ceremony "Anatomy and plasticity of higher integrating neuropils in a jumping spider" |
6th GOEvol meeting “Biology of Sensation”, Göttingen, Germany. Poster presentation “Lifestyle matters: Brain morphology in cursorial and stationary hunting spiders” |
111th Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society (DZG), Greifswald, Germany. Oral presentation “Complex integration of visual information: The secondary eye pathway of the jumping spider brain” |
Arthropod Neuro-Network (ANN) spring meeting, Altleiningen, Germany. Oral presentation "Anatomy and plasticity of higher-order neuropils in a jumping spider" |
2017 |
110th Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society (DZG), Bielefeld, Germany. Oral presentation “Living in caves: A comparative morphological analysis of the central nervous system in Pinelema spiders (Telemidae)” |
30th European Congress of Arachnology, Nottingham. Oral presentation “Living in caves: A comparative morphological analysis of the central nervous system in Pinelema spiders (Telemidae)” |
36th Annual Meeting of the Gesellschaft deutschsprachiger Odonatologen (Society of german speaking odonatologists; GdO), Berlin. Oral presentation “Chasing the Unknown: Die Rolle von Larven in der SO-Asiatischen Libellentaxonomie” (“The role of larvae in SE-Asian Odonata taxonomy“) |
2016 |
109th Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society (DZG), Kiel, Germany. Poster presentation “Neuroanatomy of the jumping spider Marpissa muscosa” |
20th International Congress of Arachnology (ICA), Golden, USA. Oral presentation “Neuroplasticity in a jumping spider” |
20th International Congress of Arachnology (ICA), Golden, USA. Poster presentation “Neuroanatomy of the jumping spider Marpissa muscosa” |
17th Annual meeting of the Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik (GfBS), München. Poster presentation “Micro-CT Analysis as a tool for taxonomic research on Odonata”. |
17th Annual meeting of the Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik (GfBS), München. Poster presentation “Chasing the Unknown: The role of larvae in SE-Asian Odonata taxonomy”. |
2015 |
108th Annual meeting of the German Zoological Society (DZG), Graz. Poster presentation “Micro-CT Analysis as a tool for taxonomic research on Odonata”. |
108th Annual meeting of the German Zoological Society (DZG), Graz. Oral presentation “Neuroplasticity in a jumping spider”. |
29th European Congress of Arachnology, Brno. Oral presentation “Neuroplasticity in a jumping spider”. |
Symposium of the Zoological Institute & Museum of the University of Greifswald. Oral presentation “Neuroplasticity in a jumping spider”. |
34. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft deutschsprachiger Odonatologen (GdO), Braunschweig. Oral presentation „Die MicroCT-Analyse als Werkzeug in der Libellentaxonomie”. |
2013 |
ICO (International Conference on Odonatology), Freising. Poster presentation „Zygopteran genital structure: an insight“. |
2011 |
Westdeutscher Entomologentag, Düsseldorf. Oral presentation „Libellen in Vietnam“. |
2019 | Award for the "Paper of the Year" 2018 in the Journal of Zoology |
2019 | Laudier Histology Travel Grant |
2018 | DZG-Award for an excellent master thesis with zoological focus at the University Greifswald (awarded by the German Zoological Society, DZG) |
2018 | Scholarship, Landesgraduiertenstipendium (LGF; German states scholarship for PhD students) |
2017 | Prize for the second best student talk at the European Congress of Arachnology in Nottingham |
2017 | Congress Travel Grant from the German Academic Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes) |
2017 | GdO Lopi-Award, best student talk (Jungreferentenpreis) |
2016 | Reasearch Travel Grant from the German Academic Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes) |
2016 | Laudier Histology Student Travel Grant |
2015 | Scholarship of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes) |
2015 | Student Grant of the Organising Committee of the 29th European Congress of Arachnology |
2015 | GdO Lopi-Award, best student talk (Jungreferentenpreis) |
2014 | Scholarship, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), PROMOS-Stipendium |
Since 04/2018 | PhD Student, Zoological Institute and Museum, University of Greifswald, Germany. |
2018 | Master Thesis: "Anatomy and plasticity of higher integrating neuropils in a jumping spider (Salticidae, Arachnida)" |
04/2015-01/2018 | Study of Biodiversity and Ecology (M.Sc.) at the University of Greifswald |
2015 | Bachelor Thesis: "Morphological investigations of the brain of the jumping spider Marpissa muscosa (Salticidae, Arachnida)" |
10/2011-04/2015 | study of Landscape Ecology and Nature Conservation (B.Sc.) at the University of Greifswald |
11/2016 - 12/2016 | Odonatological fieldwork in the Pulong Tau National Park and the Gunung Mulu National Park in Borneo (Sarawak, Malaysia) |
06/2014 - 08/2014 | Taking part in an ornithological expedition of the Louisiana State University and Museum, carried out in the Gunung Mulu National Park in Borneo (Sarawak, Malaysia) |
03/2014 - 09/2014 | Odonatological fieldwork in the Kubah National Park, the Bintulu area and the Gunung Mulu National Park in Borneo (Sarawak, Malaysia) |
09/2010 - 08/2011 | Taxonomic research on Odonata of Central Vietnam |
Deutsche Zoologische Gesellschaft (DZG) |
International Society for Neuroethology (ISN) |
International Society of Arachnology (ISA) |
European Society of Arachnology (ESA) |
Societas Internationalis Odonatologica (SIO) |
International Dragonfly Fund (IDF) |
Gesellschaft deutschsprachiger Odonatologen (GdO) |
Arbeitskreis zum Schutz und zur Kartierung der Libellen in Nordrhein-Westfalen (AK Libellen NRW) |
Biologische Station im Rhein-Kreis Neus |