Faunistics of the leaf and seed beetles of central europe


Michael Schmitt


Project description

Records of leaf and seed beetles - the traditional Chrysomelidae and Bruchidae - were and are entered into a database (ChryFaun) where we have >170.000 records up to now. The records come from museum and private collections and from faunistic publications. The aim of the project is to produce on the basis of the data distribution maps for single species and for any time frame. These maps will provide bases for basic zoogeographic research as well as for political decisions pertaining to nature conservation.


Projekt ColeoKat

Selected publications
  • Schmitt, M. 2011: Faunistics of Central European leaf- and seed-beetles: 2011 meeting. Chrysomela Newsletter 53: 16.
  • Schmitt, M. & Rönn, T. 2011: Types of geographical distribution of leaf beetles (Chrysomelidae) in Central Europe. ZooKeys 157 (Research on Chrysomelidae 3): 131-158.
  • Schmitt, M. 2013: Central European leaf- and seed beetles, Germany 2012. Chrysomela Newsletter 54: 16.
  • Schmitt, M.; Bäse, W.; Beenen, R.; Drovenik, B.; Fritzlar, F.; Geiser,E.; Jäckel, R.; Langer, M.; Mauser, J.; Ringel, H.; Schöller, M. & Siede, D. 2013: Das Projekt ChryFaun – Faunistik der mitteleuropäischen Blatt- und Samenkäfer (Chrysomelidae s.l.). Entomologische Blätter für Biologie und Systematik der Käfer 110: 33-38.
  • Wendorff, A. & Schmitt, M.: 2019. Leaf beetle decline in Central Europe (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae s.l.)? ZooKeys (Research on Chrysomelidae 8) 856: 115-135