
Recent publications

  • Wolf J.M., Lehmann P., Kerth G. (2025). Field respirometry in a wild maternity colony of Bechstein's bats (Myotis bechsteinii) indicates high metabolic costs above but not below the thermoneutral zone. Journal of Experimental Biology (jeb.249975).
  • Timm L., Rosskopf S.P. ,Werb O., van Schaik J., Schaer J. (2025). Europe-wide distribution and bat-host specific lineages in the malarial parasite Polychromophilus murinus revealed through genetic screening of bat flies. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 127:105707.
  • Süess, T. and Kerth, G. (2024). Long-term patterns of forearm asymmetry in females of three syntopic bat species and its effects on individual fitness. Sci. Rep. 14: 28736.
  • Wolf J.M. and Kerth G. (2024). Optimally warm roost temperatures during lactation do not improve body condition in a long-lived bat. Biology Letters 20: 20240346.
  • Meier, F., Grosche, L., Krivek, G., Runkel, V., Scheuerlein, A., Kerth, G. and van Schaik, J. (2024), Automated long-term monitoring of RFID-tagged individuals reveals high hibernaculum site fidelity in Daubenton's bats and Natterer's bats. Anim. Conserv.
  • Fregin B., Hossain M.F., Biedenweg D., Friedrichs V., Balkema-Buschmann A., Bokelmann M.  Lehnert K.,  Mokbel D., Aland S., Scholz C.C.,  Lehmann P., Otto O., Kerth G. (2024). Thermomechanical properties of bat and human red blood cells—Implications for hibernation. PNAS 121(43): e2405169121.
  • Mundinger C., Wolf J.M., Gogarten J.F., Fierz M., Scheuerlein A. & Kerth G. (2023). Artificially raised roost temperatures lead to larger body sizes in wild bats. Current Biology 33.
  • Mundinger C., van Schaik J., Scheuerlein A. & Kerth G. (2023). Heat over heritability: Increasing body size in response to global warming is not stabilized by genetic effects in Bechstein's bats. Global Change Biology, 00, 1– 10.
  • Naef, T., Besnard, A.-L., Lehnen, L., Petit, E. J., van Schaik, J., & Puechmaille, S. J. (2023). How to quantify factors degrading DNA in the environment and predict degradation for effective sampling design. Environmental DNA, 5, 403– 416.
  • Krivek, G., Gillert, A., Harder, M., Fritze, M., Frankowski, K., Timm, L., Meyer-Olbersleben, L., Freiherr von Lukas, U., Kerth, G., van Schaik, J. (2023) BatNet: a deep learning-based tool for automated bat species identification from camera trap images. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation.
  • Krivek, G., Mahecha, E.P.N., Meier, F., Kerth, G. & van Schaik, J. (2023), Counting in the dark: estimating population size and trends of bat assemblages at hibernacula using infrared light barriers. Animal Conservation
  • Stapelfeldt, B., Tress, C., Koch, R., Kerth, G. & Scheuerlein A. (2023) Long-term field study reveals that warmer summers lead to larger and longer-lived females only in northern populations of Natterer’s bats. Oecologia
  • Jahan, M., Calvignac-Spencer, S., Chapman, C.A., Kalbitzer, U., Leendertz, F. H., Omeja, P. A., Sarkar, D., Ulrich, M., Gogarten, J. F. (2023): The Movement of Pathogen Carrying Flies at the Human–Wildlife Interface. EcoHealth.
  • Reusch, C., Scheuerlein, A., Grosche, L., Meier, F., Gampe, J., Dammhahn, M., van Schaik, J. & Kerth, G. (2022). The risk faced by the early bat: individual plasticity and mortality costs of the timing of spring departure after hibernation. Oikos, e09654.

  • Ramanantsalama, R. V., Noroalintseheno Lalarivoniaina, O. S., Raselimanana, A. P., & Goodman, S. M. (2022). Influence of environmental parameters on the breeding of an endemic Malagasy fruit bat, Rousettus madagascariensis (Pteropodidae). Acta Chiropterologica

  • Zschorn, M. & Fritze, M. (2022): Lichtverschmutzung und Fledermausschutz - aktueller Kenntnisstand, Handlungsbedarf und Empfehlungen für die Praxis | Light pollution and bat protection - current state of knowledge, need for action and recommendations for practice. Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung 54 (12).
  • Barré, K., Froidevaux, J. S. P., Leroux, C., Mariton, L., Fritze, M., Kerbiriou, C., Le Viol, I., Bas, Y., & Roemer, C. (2022): Over a decade of failure to implement UNEP/EUROBATS guidelines in wind energy planning: A call for action. Conservation Science and Practice, e12805.

  • Niessen, L., Fritze, M., Wibbelt, G., & Puechmaille, S. J. (2022). Development and Application of Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP) Assays for Rapid Diagnosis of the Bat White-Nose Disease Fungus Pseudogymnoascus destructans. Mycopathologia, 1-19.

  • Mundinger, C., Fleischer, T., Scheuerlein, A. & Kerth, G. (2022). Global warming leads to larger bats with a faster life history pace in the long-lived Bechstein’s bat (Myotis bechsteinii). Commun Biol 5, 682.

  • Fritze, M. (2022): Current knowledge and long-term monitoring of white-nose disease in hibernating bats | Aktueller Wissensstand und langfristige Überwachung der Weißnasenkrankheit bei überwinternden Fledermäusen. Nyctalus 20(1), im Druck.

  • Kerth G. (2022). Long-term field studies in bat research: importance for basic and applied research questions in animal behavior. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 76(6): 75.

  • Perony N, Kerth G, Schweitzer F. (2022). Data-driven modelling of group formation in the fission–fusion dynamics of Bechstein’s bats. J. R. Soc. Interface 19: 20220170.

  • Stapelfeldt B, Scheuerlein A, Tress C, Koch R, Tress J, Kerth G. (2022). Precipitation during two weeks in spring influences reproductive success of first-year females in the longlived Natterer’s bat. R. Soc. Open Sci. 9: 211881.

  • Meier, F, Grosche L, Reusch, C, Runkel, V, van Schaik, J, Kerth, G (2022). Long-term individualized monitoring of sympatric bat species reveals distinct species- and demographic differences in hibernation phenology. BMC Ecol Evo 22, 7.

  • Kerth G. & van Schaik J. (in Press): Bechstein’s bat Myotis bechsteinii (Kuhl, 1817). In: Handbook of the Mammals of Europe (Eds. Hackländer, K., Zachos, F.E.).

  • Krivek, G., Schulze, B., Poloskei, P. Z., Frankowski, K., Mathgen, X., Douwes, A., & van Schaik, J. (2021). Camera traps with white flash are a minimally invasive method for long‐term bat monitoring. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation
  • Fischer NM, Altewischer A, Ranpal S, Dool S, Kerth G, Puechmaille SJ (2021). Population genetics as a tool to elucidate pathogen reservoirs: Lessons from Pseudogymnoascus destructans, the causative agent of White-Nose disease in bats. Mol Ecol. 31(2): 675-690.
  • Stapelfeldt, B., Schöner, M., Kerth, G., & van Schaik, J. (2021). Slight Increase in Bat Activity after Human Hibernation Count Monitoring of a Bunker Complex in Northern Germany. Acta Chiropterologica, 22(2), 383-390.
  • Schneeberger K., Eccard JA. (2021) Experience of social density during early-life is associated with attraction to conspecific odour in the common vole (Microtus arvalis). Ethology, 127(10): 908-913
  • Mundinger, C., Scheuerlein, A., & Kerth, G. (2021). Long-term study shows that increasing body size in response to warmer summers is associated with a higher mortality risk in a long-lived bat species. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 288(1952), 20210508.
  • Lehnen, L., Jan, P. L., Besnard, A. L., Fourcy, D., Kerth, G., Biedermann, M., ... & Puechmaille, S. J. (2021). Genetic diversity in a long‐lived mammal is explained by the past’s demographic shadow and current connectivity. Molecular Ecology.
  • Schneeberger, K., Schulze, M., Scheffler, I., Caspers, B. A. (2021). Evidence of female preference for odor of distant over local males in a bat with female dispersal. Behav Ecol, arab003
  • Mavrodiev, P., Fleischmann, D., Kerth, G. et al. (2021). Quantifying individual influence in leading-following behavior of Bechstein’s bats. Sci Rep 11, 2691
  • Stefan D. Brändel, Thomas Hiller, Tanja K. Halczok, Gerald Kerth, Rachel A. Page, Marco Tschapka (2020). Consequences of fragmentation for Neotropical bats: The importance of the matrix.Biological Conservation 252: 108792

  • Zeus, V.M.,  Arian Köhler, A., Reusch, C., Fischer, K., Balkema-Buschmann, A, Kerth, G. (2020) Analysis of astrovirus transmission pathways in a free-ranging fission-fusion colony of Natterer’s bats (Myotis nattereri). Behavior Ecology and Sociobiology, 74:146

  • Hernandez-Montero J.R., Adam M., Kerth G. (2020). Are echo-reflective cues effective to attract bats to newly placed artificial roosts? Acta Chiropterologica, 192, 979–988.
  • Fischer, N.M., Dool, S.E., Puechmaille, S.J. (2020). Seasonal patterns of Pseudogymnoascus destructans germination indicate host–pathogen coevolution. Biological Letter 16: 20200177.
  • Hernández-Montero, Schöner C.R., Kerth, G. (2020). No evidence for memory retention of a learned association between a cue and roost quality after hibernation in free-ranging bats. Ethology 7: 761-771.
  • Flores, V., Carter G. G., Halczok T. K., Kerth, G., Page R. A. (2020). Social structure and relatedness in the fringe-lipped bat (Trachops cirrhosus). Royal Society Open Science 7: 192256.
  • Hernández-Montero, J.R., Reusch, C., Simon, R., Schöner C.R., Kerth, G. (2020). Free-ranging bats combine three different cognitive processes for roost localization. Oecologia 4: 979-988.
  • Gill, L. F., van Schaik, J., von Bayern, A. M., & Gahr, M. L. (2019). Genetic monogamy despite frequent extrapair copulations in “strictly monogamous” wild jackdaws. Behavioral Ecology; arz185

  • Jan, P. L., Lehnen, L., Besnard, A. L., Kerth, G., Biedermann, M., Schorcht, W., Perit, E. J., Le Gouar. P., Puechmaille, S. J. (2019). Range expansion is associated with increased survival and fecundity in a long-lived bat species. Proceedings of the Royal Society B286(1906), 20190384.

  • Reusch, C., Gampe, J., Scheuerlein, A., Meier, F., Grosche, L., & Kerth, G. (2019). Differences in seasonal survival suggest species‐specific reactions to climate change in two sympatric bat species. Ecology and Evolution9(14), 7957-7965.

  • Wilkinson, G.S., Carter, G.G., Bohn, K.M., Baspers, B., Chaverri, G., Farine, D.R., Günther, L., Kerth, G., Knörnschild, M., Mayer, F., Nagy, M., Ortega, J., Patriquin, K. (2019) Kinship, association and social complexity in bats. Behavioural Ecology & Sociobiology 73: 7.
  • Verhaegen, G., Herzog, H., Korsch, K., Kerth, G., Brede, M. & Haase, M. (2019). Testing the adaptive value of gastropod shell morphology to flow: a multidisciplinary approach based on morphometrics, computational fluid dynamics and a flow tank experiment. Zoological Letters. 5:5
  • Lehnen L, Schorcht W, Karst I, Biedermann M, Kerth G, et al. (2018) Using Approximate Bayesian Computation to infer sex ratios from acoustic data. PLOS ONE 13(6): e0199428.

  • Sagot, M., Schöner, C.R., Jago, A.J., Razik, I. & Chaverri, G. (2018): The importance of group vocal behaviour in roost finding. Animal Behaviour 142: 157-164.
  • Zeus V.M., Reusch C., Kerth G. (2018). Long-term roosting data reveal an unimodular social network in large fission-fusion society of the colony-living Natterer's bat (Myotis nattereri). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 72: 99
  • Schöner, M.G. & Schöner, C.R. (2018): Acoustic interactions between plants and animals. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 143: 1795-1795.
  • Fritze, M., Puechmaille, S.J. (2018): Identifying unusual mortality events in bats: a baseline for bat hibernation monitoring and white-nose research. Mammal Review 48: 224-228
  • Foley, N.M., Hughes, G.M., Huang, Z., Clarke, M., Jebb, D., Whelan, C.V., Petit, E.J., Touzalin, F., Farcy, O., Jones, G., Ransome, R.D., Kacprzyk, J., O'Connell, M.J., Kerth, G., Rebelo, H., Rodrigues, L., Puechmaille, S.J., Teeling, E.C. (2018): Growing old, yet staying young: the role of telomeres in bats’ exceptional longevity. Science Advances 4, 2, eaao0926
  • Ar Gouilh, M., Puechmaille, S.J., Diancourt, L., Vandenbogaert, M., Serra-Cobo, J., Lopez Roïg, M., Brown, P., Moutou, F., Caro, V., Vabret, A., Manuguerra, J.-C. (2018): SARS-CoV related Betacoronavirus and diverse Alphacoronavirus members found in western old-world. Virology 517: 88-97.
  • Halczok, T., Brändel, S.D., Flores, V., Puechmaille, S.J., Tschapka, M., Page, R.A., Kerth, G. (2018): Male-biased dispersal and the potential impact of human-induced habitat modifications on the Neotropical bat Trachops cirrhosus. Ecology and Evolution 8: 6065-6080.
  • Hughes, G.M., Leech, J., Puechmaille, S.J., Lopez, J.V., Teeling, E.C. (2018): Is there a link between aging and microbiome diversity in exceptional mammalian longevity? PeerJ.
  • Teeling, E., Vernes, S., Davalos, L.M., Ray, D.A., Gilbert, M.T.P., Myers, E., Bat1K Consortium* [*includes Puechmaille, S.J.P] (2018): Bat biology, genomes, and the Bat1K Project: to generate chromosome-level genomes for all living bat species. Annual Review of Animal Biosciences 6: 23-46.
  • Unterseher, M., Karunarathna, S.C., Cruz, G.R., Dagamac, N.H., Dahl, M.B., Dool, S.E., Galla, M., Herbst, L., Nilsson, R.H., Puechmaille, S.J., Schöner, C.R., Schöner, M.G., Siddique, A.B., Teltewskoi, A., Wicke, K., Würth, D.G., Wurzbacher, C., Hyde, K.D. (2018): Mycobiomes of sympatric Amorphophallus albispathus and Camellia sinensis differ in diversity and composition and display clear tissue preferences. Mycological Progress
  • Zarzoso-Lacoste, D., Jan, P.-L., Lehnen, L., Girard, T., Besnard, A.-L., Puechmaille, S.J., Petit, E.J. (2018): Combining noninvasive genetics and a new mammalian sex-linked marker provides new tools to investigate population size, structure and individual behaviour: an application to bats. Molecular Ecology Resources 18: 217-228.
  • van Schaik, J., Dekeukeleire, D., Gazaryan, S., Natradze, I., & Kerth, G. (2018): Comparative phylogeography of a vulnerable bat and its ectoparasite reveals dispersal of a non-mobile parasite among distinct evolutionarily significant units of the host. Conservation Genetics 19: 481–494.
  • Sagot, M., Schöner, C.R., Jago, A.J., Razik, I. & Chaverri, G. (2018): The importance of group vocal behaviour in roost finding. Animal Behaviour 142: 157-164.
  • Zeus V.M., Reusch C., Kerth G. (2018). Long-term roosting data reveal an unimodular social network in large fission-fusion society of the colony-living Natterer's bat (Myotis nattereri). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 72: 99
  • Schöner, M.G. & Schöner, C.R. (2018): Acoustic interactions between plants and animals. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 143: 1795-1795.
  • Fritze, M., Puechmaille, S.J. (2018): Identifying unusual mortality events in bats: a baseline for bat hibernation monitoring and white-nose research. Mammal Review 48: 224-228
  • Foley, N.M., Hughes, G.M., Huang, Z., Clarke, M., Jebb, D., Whelan, C.V., Petit, E.J., Touzalin, F., Farcy, O., Jones, G., Ransome, R.D., Kacprzyk, J., O'Connell, M.J., Kerth, G., Rebelo, H., Rodrigues, L., Puechmaille, S.J., Teeling, E.C. (2018): Growing old, yet staying young: the role of telomeres in bats’ exceptional longevity. Science Advances 4, 2, eaao0926
  • Ar Gouilh, M., Puechmaille, S.J., Diancourt, L., Vandenbogaert, M., Serra-Cobo, J., Lopez Roïg, M., Brown, P., Moutou, F., Caro, V., Vabret, A., Manuguerra, J.-C. (2018): SARS-CoV related Betacoronavirus and diverse Alphacoronavirus members found in western old-world. Virology 517: 88-97.
  • Halczok, T., Brändel, S.D., Flores, V., Puechmaille, S.J., Tschapka, M., Page, R.A., Kerth, G. (2018): Male-biased dispersal and the potential impact of human-induced habitat modifications on the Neotropical bat Trachops cirrhosus. Ecology and Evolution 8: 6065-6080.
  • Hughes, G.M., Leech, J., Puechmaille, S.J., Lopez, J.V., Teeling, E.C. (2018): Is there a link between aging and microbiome diversity in exceptional mammalian longevity? PeerJ.
  • Teeling, E., Vernes, S., Davalos, L.M., Ray, D.A., Gilbert, M.T.P., Myers, E., Bat1K Consortium* [*includes Puechmaille, S.J.P] (2018): Bat biology, genomes, and the Bat1K Project: to generate chromosome-level genomes for all living bat species. Annual Review of Animal Biosciences 6: 23-46.
  • Unterseher, M., Karunarathna, S.C., Cruz, G.R., Dagamac, N.H., Dahl, M.B., Dool, S.E., Galla, M., Herbst, L., Nilsson, R.H., Puechmaille, S.J., Schöner, C.R., Schöner, M.G., Siddique, A.B., Teltewskoi, A., Wicke, K., Würth, D.G., Wurzbacher, C., Hyde, K.D. (2018): Mycobiomes of sympatric Amorphophallus albispathus and Camellia sinensis differ in diversity and composition and display clear tissue preferences. Mycological Progress
  • Zarzoso-Lacoste, D., Jan, P.-L., Lehnen, L., Girard, T., Besnard, A.-L., Puechmaille, S.J., Petit, E.J. (2018): Combining noninvasive genetics and a new mammalian sex-linked marker provides new tools to investigate population size, structure and individual behaviour: an application to bats. Molecular Ecology Resources 18: 217-228.
  • van Schaik, J., Dekeukeleire, D., Gazaryan, S., Natradze, I., & Kerth, G. (2018): Comparative phylogeography of a vulnerable bat and its ectoparasite reveals dispersal of a non-mobile parasite among distinct evolutionarily significant units of the host. Conservation Genetics 19: 481–494.
  • Drees, K.P., Parise, K.L., Rivas, S.M., Felton, L.L., Puechmaille, S.J., Keim, P., Foster, J.T. (2017): Characterization of microsatellites in Pseudogymnoascus destructans for White-nose Syndrome genetic analysis. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 53: 869-874.
  • Drees, K.P., Lorch, J.M., Puechmaille, S.J., Parise, K.L., Wibbelt, G., Hoyt, J.R., Sun, K., Jargalsaikhan, A., Dalannast, M., Palmer, J.M., Lindner, D.L., Kilpatrick, A.M., Pearson, T., Keim, P., Blehert, D.S., Foster, J.T. (2017): Phylogenetics of a fungal invasion: Origins and widespread dispersal of white-nose syndrome. mBio 8: e01941-01917.
  • Foley, N.M., Goodman, S.M., Whelan, C.W., Puechmaille, S.J., Teeling, E.C. (2017): Towards navigating the Minotaur’s Labyrinth: cryptic diversity and taxonomic revision within the speciose genus Hipposideros (Hipposideridae). Acta Chiropterologica 19: 1-18.
  • Jan, P.-L., Farcy, O., Boireau, J., Le Texier, E., Baudouin, A., Le Gouar, P., Puechmaille, S.J., Petit, E.J. (2017): Which temporal resolution to consider when investigating the impact of climatic data on population dynamics? The case of the lesser horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus hipposideros). Oecologia 184: 749-761.
  • Jebb, D., Foley, N.M., Whelan, C.V., Touzalin, F., Puechmaille, S.J., Teeling, E.C. (2017): Population level mitogenomics of the long-lived Greater Mouse-eared bat, Myotis myotis, reveals dynamic heteroplasmy and challenges the Free Radical Theory of Ageing. bioRxiv.
  • Kacprzyk, J., Hughes, G.M., Palsson-McDermott, E.M., Quinn, S.R., Puechmaille, S.J., O'Neill, L.A.J., Teeling, E.C. (2017): A potent anti-inflammatory response in bat macrophages may be linked to extended longevity and viral tolerance. Acta Chiropterologica 19: 219-228.
  • Stumpf, M., Meier, F., Grosche, L., Halczok, T.K., van Schaik, J. & Kerth, G. (2017): How do young bats find suitable swarming and hibernation sites? Assessing the plausibility of the maternal guidance hypothesis using genetic maternity assignment for two European bat species. Acta Chiropterologica, 19: 319-327.
  • Schöner, M.G., Schöner, C.R., Ermisch, R., Puechmaille, S.J., Grafe, T.U., Tan, M.C. & Kerth, G. (2017): Stabilization of a bat-pitcher plant mutualism. Scientific Reports 7: 13170.
  • Voigt, C.C., Frick, W.F., Holderied, M.W., Hooland, R., Kerth, G., Mello, M.A.R., Plowright, R.K., Swartz, S. & Yovel, Y. (2017): Principles and patterns of bat movements: From aerodynamics to ecology. The Quarterly Review of Biology 92: 267-287.
  • Fleischer, T., Gampe, J., Scheuerlein, A. & Kerth, G. (2017): Rare catastrophic events drive population dynamics in a bat species with negligible senescence. Scientific Reports 7: 7370. DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-06392-9
  • Yilamujiang, A., Zhu, A., Ligabue-Braun, R., Bartram, S., Witte, C.-P., Hedrich, R., Hasabe, M., Schöner, C.R., Schöner, M.G., Kerth, G., Carlini & C.R., Mithöfer, A. (2017): Coprophagous features in carnivorous Nepenthes plants: a task for ureases. Scientific Reports 7: 11647.
  • Schöner, M.G., Schöner, C.R., Kerth, G., Suhaini, S.N. & Grafe, T.U. (2017): Handle with care: Enlarged pads improve the ability of Hardwicke’s woolly bat, Kerivoula hardwickii (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae), to roost in a carnivorous pitcher plant. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 122: 643-650.
  • Jebb, D., Foley, N.M., Kerth, G. & Teeling, E. (2017): The complete mitochondrial genome of the Bechstein’s bat, Myotis bechsteinii (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B: Resouces 2:
  • Schöner, C.R., Schöner, M.G., Grafe, T.U., Clarke, C.M., Dombrowski, L., Tan, M.C. & Kerth, G. (2017): Ecological outsourcing: a pitcher plant benefits from transferring pre-digestion of prey to a bat mutualist. Journal of Ecology 105: 400-411.
  • van Schaik, J. & Kerth, G. (2017): Host social organization and mating system shape parasite transmission opportunities in three European bat species. Parasitology Research 116: 589-599.
  • Halczok, T., Fischer, K., Gierke, R., Zeus, V., Meier, F., Tress, C., Balkema-Buschmann, A., Puechmaille, S. & Kerth, G. (2017): Evidence for genetic variation in Natterer's bats (Myotis nattereri) across three regions in Germany but no evidence for co-variation with their associated astroviruses BMC Evolutionary Biology 17: 5.
  • Zeus, V., Puechmaille, S. & Kerth, G. (2017): Con- and heterospecific social groups affect each other's resource use: a study on roost sharing among bat colonies. Animal Behaviour 123: 329-338.
  • van Schaik, J. and Kerth, G. (2016) Host social organization and mating system shape parasite transmission opportunities in three European bat species Parasitology Research. doi:10.1007/s00436-016-5323-8
  • Orr DJA, Teeling EC, Puechmaille S and Finarelli JA (2016) Patterns of orofacial clefting in the facial morphology of bats: a possible naturally-occurring model of cleft palate. Journal of Anatomy 229: 657–672.
  • Schöner, M.G., Schöner, C.R., Kerth, G., Ji, L.L. & Grafe, T.U. (2016): Bats attend to plant structures to identify roosting sites. Acta Chiropterologica 18: 433-440.
  • Dool, S.E., Puechmaille, S., Kelleher, C., McAney, K. and Teeling, E.C. (2016): The effects of human-mediated habitat fragmentation on a sedentary woodland-associated species (Rhinolophus hipposideros) at its range margin. Acta Chiropterologica 18: 359-375.
  • Schöner, M.G., Simon, R. & Schöner, C.R. (2016): Acoustic communication in plant - animal interactions. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 32: 88-95.
  • Dool, S E., Donnell, C F.J., Monks, J.M., Puechmaille, S.J. & Kerth, G. (2016): Phylogeographic-based conservation implications for the New Zealand long-tailed bat, (Chalinolobus tuberculatus): identification of a single ESU and a candidate population for genetic rescue. Conservation Genetics 17: 1067-1079.
  • Küpper, N.D., Melber, M. & Kerth, G. (2016): Nightly clustering in communal roosts and the regular presence of adult females at night provide thermal benefits for juvenile Bechstein's bats. Mammalian Biology 81: 201-204.
  • Struebig, M.J., Huang, J.C.-C.H., Mohamed, N.Z., Noerfahmy, S., Schöner, C.R., Schöner, M.G. & Francis, C.M. (2016): Forest surveys extend the range of the Krau woolly bat (Kerivoula krauensis) in the Malay-Thai Peninsula, Borneo and Sumatra. Mammalia, online early.
  • Bilgin, R., Gürün, K., Rebelo, H., Puechmaille, S.*, Maraci Ö., Presetnik, P., Hamidovic, D., Fressel, N., Hulva, P., Horácek, I., Ibañez, C., Karatas, A., Karatas, A., Allegrini, B., Georgiakakis, P., Gazaryan, S., Nagy, Z., Abi-Said, M., Lucan, R.K., Bartonicka, T., Nicolaou, H., Scaravelli, D., Karapandža, B., Uhrin, M., Paunovic, M., Benda, P. & Juste, J. (2016): Circum-Mediterranean phylogeography of a bat coupled with past environmental niche modelling: a new paradigm for the recolonization of Europe? Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 99: 323-336.
  • Zamora-Gutierrez, V., Lopez-Gonzalez, C., MacSwiney Gonzalez, M.C., Fenton, B., Jones, G., Kalko, E., Puechmaille, S., Stathopoulos, V. & Jones, K. (2016): Acoustic identification of Mexican bats based on taxonomic and ecological constraints on call design. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 7:1082-1091.
  • Puechmaille, S. (2016): The program STRUCTURE does not reliably recover the correct population structure when sampling is uneven: sub-sampling and new estimators alleviate the problem. Molecular Ecology Resources 16:608-627.
  • Dool, S., Puechmaille, S.*, Foley, N., Allegrini, B., Bastian, A., Mutumi, G., Maluleke, T., Odendaal, L., Teeling, E. & Jacobs, D. (2016): Nuclear introns outperform mitochondrial DNA in inter-specific phylogenetic reconstruction: lessons from horseshoe bats (Rhinolophidae: Chiroptera) (*joint first author). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 97:196-212.
  • van Schaik J., Janssen R., Bosch T., Haarsma A.-J., Dekker J.J.A. & Kranstauber B. (2015): Bats swarm where they hibernate: compositional similarity between autumn swarming and winter hibernation assemblages at five underground sites. PloS One 10(7): e0130850
  • Huang, Z., Gallot, A., Lao, N.T., Puechmaille, S., Foley, N.M., Jebb, D., Bekaert, M. & Teeling, E.C. (2015): A non-lethal sampling method to obtain, generate and assemble whole-blood transcriptomes from small, wild animals. Molecular Ecology Resources, in press.
  • Fischer, K., Zeus, V., Kwasnitschka, L., Kerth, G., Haase, M., Groschup, M. & Balkema-Buschmann, A. (2015): Insectivorous bats carry host specific astroviruses and coronaviruses across different regions in Germany. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 37: 108–116.
  • O’ Donnell, C.F.J., Richter, S., Dool, S., Monks, J. M. & Kerth, G. (2015): Genetic diversity is maintained in the endangered New Zealand long-tailed bat (Chalinolobus tuberculatus) despite a closed social structure and regular population crashes. Conservation Genetics, doi 10.1007/s10592-015-0763-8.
  • Van Schaik, J., Dekeukeleire, D. & Kerth, G. (2015): Host and parasite life history interplay to yield divergent population genetic structures in two ectoparasites living on the same bat species. Molecular Ecology 24: 2324–2335.
  • Schaub T., Meffert, P. J. & Kerth, G. (2015): Nest-boxes for common swifts Apus apus as compensatory measures in the context of building renovation: efficacy and predictors of occupancy. Bird Conservation International, doi:10.1017/S0959270914000525.
  • Lim, Y. S., Schöner, C. R., Schöner, M. G., Kerth, G., Thornham, D. G., Scharmann, M. & Grafe, T. U. (2015): How a pitcher plant facilitates roosting of mutualistic woolly bats. Evolutionary Ecology Research 16: 581–591.
  • Schöner, M. G., Schöner, C. R., Simon, R., Grafe, T. U., Puechmaille, S. J., Ji, L. L. & Kerth, G. (2015): Bats are acoustically attracted to mutualistic carnivorous plants. Current Biology 25: 1-6.
  • Schöner, C. R., Schöner, M. G., Kerth, G., Suhaini, S. N. & Grafe, T. U. (2015): Low costs reinforce the mutualism between bats and pitcher plants. Zoologischer Anzeiger - A Journal of Comparative Zoology 258: 1-5.
  • Abbott, I.M., Berthinussen, A., Stone, E., Boonman, M., Melber, M. & Altringham, J.D. (2015): Bats and Roads. In: van der Ree, R., Smith, D.J., & Grilo, C. (eds). Handbook of Road Ecology. John Wiley & Sons, Oxford: 209-299.
  • Altringham, J. & Kerth, G. (2015): Bats and roads. In: Voigt, C.C. & Kingston, T. (eds). Bats in the Anthropocene: Conservation of Bats in a Changing World. Springer: 35-62.
  • Frick, W.F., Puechmaille, S.J. & Willis, C.K.R. (2015): White-nose syndrome in bats. In: Voigt, C.C. & Kingston, T. (eds). Bats in the Anthropocene: Conservation of bats in a changing world. Springer: 245-262.
  • Foley, N.M., Thong, V.D., Soisook, P., Goodman, S.M., Armstrong, K., Jacobs, D., Puechmaille, S.J.*, Teeling, E.C. (2015): How and why overcome the impediments to resolution: lessons from rhinolophid and hipposiderid bats. Molecular Biology and Evolution 32, 313-333. (*joint senior author)
  • Frick, W., Puechmaille, S. J., Hoyt, J. R., Nickel, B.A., Langwig, K.E., Foster, J.T., Horáček, I., Bartonička, T., Barlow, K.E., Haarsma, A.-J., van der Kooij, J., Rodrigues, L., Mulkens, B., Petrov, B., Herzog, C., Reynolds, R., Stihler, C.W., Turner, G.G., Feller, D., Kilpatrick, A. M. (2015): Disease alters macroecological patterns of North American bats. Global Ecology and Biogeography 24, 741-749.
  • Leopardi, S., Blake, D., Puechmaille, S.J., 2015. White-Nose Syndrome fungus introduced from Europe to North America. Current Biology 25, R217-219.
  • Jebb, D., Foley, N.M., Puechmaille, S.J. & Teeling, E.C. (2015): The complete mitochondrial genome of the Greater Mouse-Eared Bat, Myotis myotis (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae). Mitochondrial DNA 1-3.
  • Kerth, G., Blüthgen, N., Dittrich, C., Dworschak, K., Fischer, K., Fleischer, T., Limberg, J., Rödel, M.O. & Obermaier, E. (2015): Anpassungskapazität von 50 Arten mit potentiell hohem Aussterberisiko gegenüber dem Klimawandel in Deutschland. Natur und Landschaft 90: 17-24.
  • Boston, E.S.M., Puechmaille, S.J., Clissmann, F. & Teeling, E.C. (2014): Further evidence for cryptic north-western refugia in Europe? Mitochondrial phylogeography of the sibling species Pipistrellus pipistrellus and Pipistrellus pygmaeus. Acta Chiropterologica 16, 263-277.
  • Puechmaille, S., Borissov, I., Zsebok, S., Allegrini, B., Hizem, M.W., Kuenzel, S., Schuchmann, M., Teeling, E.C. & Siemers, B.M. (2014): Female mate choice can drive the evolution of high frequency echolocation in bats: a case study with Rhinolophus mehelyi. PLoS ONE 9(7), e103452.
  • Razgour, O., Rebelo, H., Puechmaille, S., Juste, J., Ibáñez, C., Kiefer, A., Burke, T., Dawson, D.A. & Jones, G. (2014): Scale-dependent effects of landscape variables on gene flow and population structure in bats. Diversity and Distributions 20(10), 1173-1185.
  • Puechmaille, S., Allegrini, B., Benda, P., Gürün, K., Šrámek, J., Ibañez, C., Juste, J. & Bilgin, R. (2014): A new species of the Miniopterus schreibersii species complex (Chiroptera: Miniopteridae) from the Maghreb Region, North Africa. Zootaxa 3794(1), 108-124.
  • Puechmaille, S. & Teeling, E. (2014): Non-invasive genetics can help find rare species: a case study with Rhinolophus mehelyi and R. euryale (Rhinolophidae: Chiroptera) in western Europe. Mammalia 78(2), 251-255.
  • Fereidouni S., Kwasnitschka, L., Buschmann, B., Müller, A.T., Freuling, C., Schatz, J., Pikula, J., Bandouchova, H., Hoffmann, R., Ohlendorf, B., Kerth, G., Tong, S., Donis, R., Beer, M. & Harder, T. (2014): No virological evidence for an influenza a - like virus in european bats. Zoonoses and Public Health, doi: 10.1111/zph.12131.
  • Fleischmann, D. & Kerth, G. (2014): Roosting behavior and group decision making in 2 syntopic bat species with fission–fusion societies. Behavioral Ecology 25: 1240-1247.
  • van Schaik, J., Kerth, G., Bruyndonckx, N. & Christe, P. (2014): The effect of host social system on parasite population genetic structure: comparative population genetics of two ectoparasitic mites and their bat hosts. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2014, 14:18.
  • Kerth G., Fleischmann D., van Schaik J. & Melber M. (2013): From behaviour and genetics to nature conservation: 20 years research on Bechstein’s bats. In: Populationsökologie und Habitatansprüche der Bechsteinfledermaus Myotis bechsteinii (ed. Dietz, M,), pp. 35-50. Zarbock GmbH & Co. KG, Frankfurt.
  • Dekeukeleire D., Janssen R. & van Schaik J. (2013): Frequent melanism in Geoffroy’s bat (Myotis emarginatus, Geoffroy 1806). Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy 24, 197-198
  • Baigger A, Perony N, Reuter M, Leinert V, Melber M, Grünberger S, Fleischmann D, Kerth G (2013): Bechstein’s bats maintain individual social links despite a complete reorganisation of their colony structure. Naturwissenschaften 100: 895-898
  • Melber M, Fleischmann D, Kerth G (2013): Female Bechstein’s bats share foraging sites with maternal kin but do not forage together with them – results from a long-term study. Ethology 119 (9): 793-801
  • Fleischmann D, Baumgartner IO, Erasmy M, Gries N, Melber M, Leinert V, Parchem M, Reuter M, Schaer P, Stauffer S, Wagner I, Kerth G (2013): Female Bechstein’s bats adjust their group-decisions about communal roosts to the level of conflict of interests. Current Biology 23: 1-5
  • Kerth G, Gusset M, Garbely J, König B, Gabanapelo T, Monika Schiess-Meier M (2013): Genetic sexing of stock-raiding leopards: not only males to blame. Conservation Genetic Resources 5: 1101-1105
  • Schöner CR, Schöner MG, Kerth G, Grafe TU (2013): Supply determines demand: influence of partner quality and quantity on the interactions between bats and pitcher plants. Oecologia 173: 191-202
  • Allegrini B & Puechmaille SJ (2013): Vespertilion (Myotis) latipennis (Crespon, 1844): un nom pour la nouvelle espèce Myotis sp. A du groupe nattereri ? Le Vespère 3: 181-183
  • Dool SE, Puechmaille SJ, Dietz C, Juste J, Ibáñez C, Hulva P, Roué SG, Petit EJ, Jones G, Russo D, Toffoli R, Viglino A, Martinoli A, Rossiter SJ & Teeling EC (2013): Phylogeography and postglacial recolonization of Europe by Rhinolophus hipposideros: evidence from multiple genetic markers. Molecular Ecology 22: 4055-4070
  • Jiang T, You Y, Liu S, Lu G, Wang L, Wu H, Berquist SW, Ho J, Puechmaille SJ & Feng J (2013) Factors affecting geographic variation in echolocation calls of the endemic Myotis davidii in China. Ethology 119: 881-890
  • Puechmaille SJ (2013) Premières données sur la présence de la Pipistrelle de Nathusius (Pipistrellus nathusii) en Aveyron. Le Vespère 3: 191-194
  • Razgour O, Juste J, Ibáñez C, Kiefer A, Rebelo H, Puechmaille SJ, Arlettaz R, Burke T, Dawson DA, Beaumont M & Jones G (2013) The shaping of genetic variation in edge-of-range populations under past and future climate change. Ecology Letters 16: 1258-1266
  • Wibbelt G, Puechmaille SJ, Ohlendorf B, Mühldorfer K, Bosch T, Görföl T, Passior K, Kurth A, Lacremans D & Forget F (2013) Skin lesions in European hibernating bats associated with Geomyces destructans, the etiologic agent of White-Nose Syndrome. PLoS ONE 8: e74105
  • Kerth G, van Schaik J (2012) Causes and consequences of living in closed societies: lessons from a long-term socio-genetic study on Bechstein's bats. Molecular Ecology 21: 633–646
  • Papadatou E, Pradel R, Schaub MI, Dolch D, Geiger H, Ibañez C, Kerth G, Popa-Lisseanu A, Schorcht W, Teubner J, Gimenez O (2012) Comparing survival among species with imperfect detection using multilevel analysis of mark-recapture data: a case study on bats. Ecography 35: 153-161
  • Coyer J.A., Hoarau G., van Schaik J., Luijckx P. & Olsen J.L. (2011): Trans‐Pacific and trans‐Arctic pathways of the intertidal macroalga Fucus distichus L. reveal multiple glacial refugia and colonizations from the North Pacific to the North Atlantic. Journal of Biogeography 38, 756-771.
  • Sueur C, King AJ, Conradt L, Kerth G, Lusseau D, Mettke-Hofmann C, Schaffner CM, Williams L, Zinner D, Aureli F (2011) Collective decision-making and fission-fusion dynamics: a conceptual framework. Oikos 120:1608-1617
  • Kerth G, Perony N, Schweitzer F (2011) Bats are able to maintain long-term social relationships despite the high fission–fusion dynamics of their groups. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 278: 2761-2767
  • van Schaik J, Bruyndonckx N, Kerth G, Christe P (2011) Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci for two secies of spinturnicid bat wing mites (Spinturnix myoti and Spinturnix bechsteinii). Acarologia 51: 127-131.
  • Grafe TU, Schöner CR, Kerth G, Junaidi A, Schöner MG (2011) A novel resource-service mutualism between bats and pitcher plants. Biology Letters 7:436-439
  • Schöner CR, Schöner MG, Kerth G (2010) Similar is not the same: Social calls of conspecifics are more effective in attracting wild bats to day roosts than those of other bat species. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 64:2053-2063
  • Kerth G (2010) Group decision-making in fission-fusion societies. Behavioural Processes, 84:662-663
  • Kerth G (2010) Group decision-making in animal societies, in: Kappeler (Ed.): Behavior: Evolution & Mechanisms, Springer Verlag
  • Pretzlaff I, Kerth G, Dausmann KH (2010) Communally breeding bats use physiological and behavioral adjustments to optimize daily energy expenditure. Naturwissenschaften 97:353-363
  • Bruyndonckx N, Henry I, Christe P, Kerth G (2009) Spatiotemporal population genetic structure of the parasitic mite Spinturnix bechsteini is shaped by its own demography and the social system of its bat host. Molecular Ecology 18: 3581-3592
  • Meyer C, Kalko EKV, Kerth G (2009) Small-scale fragmentation effects on genetic diversity and population differentiation in two phyllostomid bats with different dispersal abilities. Biotropica, 41: 95-102
  • Reckardt K, Kerth G (2009) Does the mode of transmission between hosts affect host choice strategies of parasites? - Implications from a study on bat flies and wing mites infesting Bechstein’s bats. Oikos, 118: 183-190
  • Kerth G, Melber M (2009) Species-specific barrier effects of a motorway on the habitat use of two threatened bat species. Biological Conservation, 142: 270-279
  • Kerth G, Dechmann DKN (2009) Field-based behavioral studies in bats, in: Ecological and Behavioral Methods for the Study of Bats (TH Kunz, S Parsons, eds). John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore
  • Kerth G, Boyan P, Conti A, Anastasov D, Weishaar M, Gazaryan S, Jacquiéry J, König B, Perrin N, Bruyndonckx N (2008) Communally breeding Bechstein’s bats have a stable social system that is independent from the post-glacial history and location of its populations. Molecular Ecology, 17: 2368-2381
  • Kerth G (2008) Causes and consequences of sociality in bats. BioScience, 58: 737-755
  • Kerth G (2008) What can we learn from studying fission-fusion dynamics in primates and other animals? Current Anthropology, 49: 643-644
  • Kerth G (2008) Animal sociality: bat colonies are founded by relatives. Current Biology, 18: R740-R742
  • Dechmann DKN, Kerth G (2008) My home is your castle – roost-making is sexually selected in the bat Lophostoma silviculum Journal of Mammalogy, 89: 1379-1390
  • Dechmann DKN, Kalko EKV, Kerth G (2007) All-offspring dispersal in a tropical mammal with resource defense polygyny. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 61: 1219-1228
  • Safi K, König B, Kerth G (2007) Implications of sex-specific habitat use and social sexual segregation for the conservation of the parti-coloured bat, Vespertilio murinus. Biological Conservation, 137: 28-36
  • Safi K, Kerth G (2007) Comparative analyses suggest that information transfer promoted sociality in male bats, American Naturalist, 170: 465-472
  • Reckardt K, Kerth G (2007) Roost selection and roost switching of female Bechstein’s bats (Myotis bechsteinii) as a strategy of parasite avoidance. Oecologia, 154: 581-588
  • Siemers B, Kerth G (2006) Do echolocation calls of the colony-living Bechstein's bat (Myotis bechsteinii) provide individual-specific signatures? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 59: 443-454
  • Reckardt K, Kerth G (2006) The reproductive ecology of the bat fly Basilia nana (Diptera: Nycteribiidae) is affected by low roost fidelity of its host, the Bechstein's bat (Myotis bechsteinii). Parasitology Research, 98: 237-243
  • Kerth G (2006) Relatedness, life history and social behaviour in the long-lived Bechstein's bat (Myotis bechsteinii). In: Zubaid A, McCracken GF, Kunz TH (eds) Functional and evolutionary ecology of bats. Oxford University Press, pp. 199-212
  • Kerth G, Ebert C, Schmidtke C (2006) Group decision-making in fission-fusion societies: Evidence from two field experiments in Bechstein’s bats. Proceedings of the Royal Society London B, 273: 2785-2790
  • Dechmann DKN, Kalko EKV, König B, Kerth G (2005) Mating system of a neotropical roost-making bat: the white-throated round-eared bat, Lophostoma silvicolum. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 58: 316-325
  • Mayer F, Kerth G (2005) Evolution of a dinucleotide microsatellite in the mitochondrial genome of Bechstein's bat (Myotis bechsteinii). Journal of Molecular Evolution, 61: 408-416
  • Kerth G, Petit E (2005) Colonization and dispersal in a social species, the Bechstein’s bat (Myotis bechsteinii). Molecular Ecology, 14: 3943–3950
  • Pen I, Kerth G (2005) Mate choice: Female relatives share sexual partners in bats. Current Biology, 15: R927-929
  • Safi K, Kerth G (2004) A comparative analysis of specialisation and extinction risk in temperate-zone bats. Conservation Biology, 18: 1293-1303
  • Dechmann DKN, Kalko EKV, Kerth G (2004) Ecology of an exceptional roost: energetic benefits could explain why the bat Lophostoma silvicolum roosts in active termite nests. Evolutionary Ecology Research, 6: 1037-1050
  • Kerth G, Morf L (2004) Behavioural and genetic data suggest that Bechstein’s bats predominantely mate outside the breeding habitat. Ethology, 110: 987-999
  • Safi K, Kerth G (2003) Secretions of the interaural gland contain information about individuality and colony membership in the Bechstein’s bat. Animal Behaviour, 65:363-369
  • Kerth G, Reckardt K (2003) Information transfer about roosts in female Bechstein's bats. Proceedings of the Royal Society London B, 270: 511-515
  • Kerth G, Almasi B, Ribi N, Thiel D, Lüpold S (2003) Social interactions among wild female Bechstein's bats (Myotis bechsteinii) living in a maternity colony. Acta Ethologica, 5: 107-114
  • Kerth G, Kiefer A, Trappmann C, Weishaar M (2003) High gene diversity at swarming sites suggest hot spots for gene flow in the endangered Bechstein's bat. Conservation Genetics, 4: 491-499
  • Kerth G, Safi K, König B (2002) Mean colony relatedness is a poor predictor of colony structure and female philopatry in the communally breeding Bechstein’s bat (Myotis bechsteinii). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 52: 203-210
  • Kerth G, Mayer F, Petit E (2002) Extreme sex-biased dispersal in the communally breeding, non-migratory Bechstein's bat (Myotis bechsteinii). Molecular Ecology, 11: 1491-1498
  • Dechmann DKN, Garbely E, Kerth G, Garner TWJ (2002) Highly polymorphic microsatellites for the study of the round-eared bat, Tonatia silvicola (d'Orbigny). Conservation Genetics, 3: 455-458
  • Kerth G, Weissmann K, König B (2001) Day roost selection in female Bechstein's bats (Myotis bechsteinii): a field experiment to determine the influence of roost temperature. Oecologia, 126: 1-9
  • Kerth G, Wagner M, König B (2001) Roosting together, foraging apart: information transfer about food is unlikely to explain sociality in female Bechstein's bats (Myotis bechsteinii). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 50: 283-291
1996 - 2000
  • Kerth G, König B (1996) Transponder and an infrared-videocamera as methods in a fieldstudy on the social behaviour of Bechstein’s bats (Myotis bechsteinii). Myotis, 34:27-34
  • Wilkinson GS, Mayer F, Kerth G, Petri B (1997) Evolution of repeated sequence arrays in the D-loop region of bat mitochondrial DNA. Genetics, 146: 1035-1048
  • Kerth G, König B (1999) Fission, fusion and nonrandom associations in female Bechstein’s bats (Myotis bechsteinii). Behaviour, 136: 1187-1202
  • Kerth G, Mayer F, König B (2000) MtDNA reveals that female Bechstein’s bats live in closed societies. Molecular Ecology, 9: 793-800
Publications in German (only partially peer reviewed)
  • Kerth G, Blüthgen N, Dittrich C, Dworschak K, Fischer K, Fleischer T, Heidinger I, Limberg J, Obermaier E, Rödel MO, Nehring S (2014) Anpassungskapazität ausgewählter Arten im Hinblick auf Änderungen durch den Klimawandel. BfN. Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt (im Druck)
  • Kerth G, Fleischmann D, van Schaik J, Melber M (2013) Vom Verhalten über die Genetik zum Naturschutz: 20 Jahre Forschung an der Bechsteinfledermaus. In: Dietz M (Hrsg.) (2013): Populationsökologie und Habitatansprüche der Bechsteinfledermaus Myotis bechsteinii. Beiträge zur Fachtagung in der Trinkkuranlage Bad Nauheim, 25.–26.02.2011, 344 Seiten
  • Kerth G (2008) Individuelles Wissen, geteiltes Wissen, gemeinsame Entscheidung: Informationstransfer und Gruppenentscheidungen bei Fledermäusen. Eingeladener Beitrag zum Symposium „Universitäres Wissen teilen“; anlässlich des 175-jährigen Jubiläums der Universität Zürich. VDF Verlag der Fachvereine an den Schweizerischen Hochschulen.
  • Rudolph B-U, Kerth G, Schlapp G, Wolz I. (2004) Bechsteinfledermaus Myotis bechsteinii (Kuhl, 1817). In: Fledermäuse in Bayern. Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart
  • Kerth G, Wagner M, Weissmann K, König B (2002) Habitat- und Quartiernutzung bei der Bechsteinfledermaus: Hinweise für den Artenschutz. Bundesamt für Naturschutz, Bonn, Schriftenreihe für Landespflege, 71: 99-108
  • Kerth G (1998) Sozialverhalten und genetische Populationsstruktur bei der Bechsteinfledermaus (Myotis bechsteinii). Wissenschaft und Technik Verlag, Berlin
  • Kerth G (1997) Verbreitung und Schutz waldlebender Fledermausarten unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Bechsteinfledermaus (Myotis bechsteinii) in den Laubwäldern Mainfrankens. Naturschutzzentrum Wasserschloss Mitwitz, Materialien, I/97: 27-29
  • Kerth G, Otremba W (1996) Fledermausfunde im Stadtgebiet von Würzburg während der Stadtbiotopkartierung 1986 bis 1988 mit Berücksichtigung nachfolgender Bestandserhebungen bis 1993. Bayerisches Landesamt für Umweltschutz. Schriftenreihe, 149: 17-21
  • Kerth G (1995) Erste Erfahrungen mit dem Einsatz von Transpondern und einer Infrarot-Videokamera zu Verhaltensuntersuchungen an der Bechsteinfledermaus (Myotis bechsteinii) im Freiland. "Methoden feldökologischer Säugetierforschung", 1, Wissenschaftliche Beiträge der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. Hrsg. M. Stubbe et. al., Halle: 383-388
  • Kerth G, Otremba W (1991) Fledermausvorkommen in Stadt und Landkreis Würzburg zwischen 1985 und 1991. Abh. des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins Würzburg, 32: 67-108