
Recent publications

  • Mundinger C., Wolf J.M., Gogarten J.F., Fierz M., Scheuerlein A. & Kerth G. (2023). Artificially raised roost temperatures lead to larger body sizes in wild bats. Current Biology 33.
  • Mundinger C., van Schaik J., Scheuerlein A. & Kerth G. (2023). Heat over heritability: Increasing body size in response to global warming is not stabilized by genetic effects in Bechstein's bats. Global Change Biology, 00, 1– 10.
  • Naef, T., Besnard, A.-L., Lehnen, L., Petit, E. J., van Schaik, J., & Puechmaille, S. J. (2023). How to quantify factors degrading DNA in the environment and predict degradation for effective sampling design. Environmental DNA, 5, 403– 416.
  • Krivek, G., Gillert, A., Harder, M., Fritze, M., Frankowski, K., Timm, L., Meyer-Olbersleben, L., Freiherr von Lukas, U., Kerth, G., van Schaik, J. (2023) BatNet: a deep learning-based tool for automated bat species identification from camera trap images. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation.
  • Krivek, G., Mahecha, E.P.N., Meier, F., Kerth, G. & van Schaik, J. (2023), Counting in the dark: estimating population size and trends of bat assemblages at hibernacula using infrared light barriers. Animal Conservation
  • Stapelfeldt, B., Tress, C., Koch, R., Kerth, G. & Scheuerlein A. (2023) Long-term field study reveals that warmer summers lead to larger and longer-lived females only in northern populations of Natterer’s bats. Oecologia
  • Jahan, M., Calvignac-Spencer, S., Chapman, C.A., Kalbitzer, U., Leendertz, F. H., Omeja, P. A., Sarkar, D., Ulrich, M., Gogarten, J. F. (2023): The Movement of Pathogen Carrying Flies at the Human–Wildlife Interface. EcoHealth.
  • Reusch, C., Scheuerlein, A., Grosche, L., Meier, F., Gampe, J., Dammhahn, M., van Schaik, J. & Kerth, G. (2022). The risk faced by the early bat: individual plasticity and mortality costs of the timing of spring departure after hibernation. Oikos, e09654.

  • Ramanantsalama, R. V., Noroalintseheno Lalarivoniaina, O. S., Raselimanana, A. P., & Goodman, S. M. (2022). Influence of environmental parameters on the breeding of an endemic Malagasy fruit bat, Rousettus madagascariensis (Pteropodidae). Acta Chiropterologica

  • Zschorn, M. & Fritze, M. (2022): Lichtverschmutzung und Fledermausschutz - aktueller Kenntnisstand, Handlungsbedarf und Empfehlungen für die Praxis | Light pollution and bat protection - current state of knowledge, need for action and recommendations for practice. Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung 54 (12).
  • Barré, K., Froidevaux, J. S. P., Leroux, C., Mariton, L., Fritze, M., Kerbiriou, C., Le Viol, I., Bas, Y., & Roemer, C. (2022): Over a decade of failure to implement UNEP/EUROBATS guidelines in wind energy planning: A call for action. Conservation Science and Practice, e12805.

  • Niessen, L., Fritze, M., Wibbelt, G., & Puechmaille, S. J. (2022). Development and Application of Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP) Assays for Rapid Diagnosis of the Bat White-Nose Disease Fungus Pseudogymnoascus destructans. Mycopathologia, 1-19.

  • Mundinger, C., Fleischer, T., Scheuerlein, A. & Kerth, G. (2022). Global warming leads to larger bats with a faster life history pace in the long-lived Bechstein’s bat (Myotis bechsteinii). Commun Biol 5, 682.

  • Fritze, M. (2022): Current knowledge and long-term monitoring of white-nose disease in hibernating bats | Aktueller Wissensstand und langfristige Überwachung der Weißnasenkrankheit bei überwinternden Fledermäusen. Nyctalus 20(1), im Druck.

  • Kerth G. (2022). Long-term field studies in bat research: importance for basic and applied research questions in animal behavior. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 76(6): 75.

  • Perony N, Kerth G, Schweitzer F. (2022). Data-driven modelling of group formation in the fission–fusion dynamics of Bechstein’s bats. J. R. Soc. Interface 19: 20220170.

  • Stapelfeldt B, Scheuerlein A, Tress C, Koch R, Tress J, Kerth G. (2022). Precipitation during two weeks in spring influences reproductive success of first-year females in the longlived Natterer’s bat. R. Soc. Open Sci. 9: 211881.

  • Meier, F, Grosche L, Reusch, C, Runkel, V, van Schaik, J, Kerth, G (2022). Long-term individualized monitoring of sympatric bat species reveals distinct species- and demographic differences in hibernation phenology. BMC Ecol Evo 22, 7.

  • Kerth G. & van Schaik J. (in Press): Bechstein’s bat Myotis bechsteinii (Kuhl, 1817). In: Handbook of the Mammals of Europe (Eds. Hackländer, K., Zachos, F.E.).

  • Krivek, G., Schulze, B., Poloskei, P. Z., Frankowski, K., Mathgen, X., Douwes, A., & van Schaik, J. (2021). Camera traps with white flash are a minimally invasive method for long‐term bat monitoring. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation
  • Fischer NM, Altewischer A, Ranpal S, Dool S, Kerth G, Puechmaille SJ (2021). Population genetics as a tool to elucidate pathogen reservoirs: Lessons from Pseudogymnoascus destructans, the causative agent of White-Nose disease in bats. Mol Ecol. 31(2): 675-690.
  • Stapelfeldt, B., Schöner, M., Kerth, G., & van Schaik, J. (2021). Slight Increase in Bat Activity after Human Hibernation Count Monitoring of a Bunker Complex in Northern Germany. Acta Chiropterologica, 22(2), 383-390.
  • Schneeberger K., Eccard JA. (2021) Experience of social density during early-life is associated with attraction to conspecific odour in the common vole (Microtus arvalis). Ethology, 127(10): 908-913
  • Mundinger, C., Scheuerlein, A., & Kerth, G. (2021). Long-term study shows that increasing body size in response to warmer summers is associated with a higher mortality risk in a long-lived bat species. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 288(1952), 20210508.
  • Lehnen, L., Jan, P. L., Besnard, A. L., Fourcy, D., Kerth, G., Biedermann, M., ... & Puechmaille, S. J. (2021). Genetic diversity in a long‐lived mammal is explained by the past’s demographic shadow and current connectivity. Molecular Ecology.
  • Schneeberger, K., Schulze, M., Scheffler, I., Caspers, B. A. (2021). Evidence of female preference for odor of distant over local males in a bat with female dispersal. Behav Ecol, arab003
  • Mavrodiev, P., Fleischmann, D., Kerth, G. et al. (2021). Quantifying individual influence in leading-following behavior of Bechstein’s bats. Sci Rep 11, 2691
  • Stefan D. Brändel, Thomas Hiller, Tanja K. Halczok, Gerald Kerth, Rachel A. Page, Marco Tschapka (2020). Consequences of fragmentation for Neotropical bats: The importance of the matrix.Biological Conservation 252: 108792

  • Zeus, V.M.,  Arian Köhler, A., Reusch, C., Fischer, K., Balkema-Buschmann, A, Kerth, G. (2020) Analysis of astrovirus transmission pathways in a free-ranging fission-fusion colony of Natterer’s bats (Myotis nattereri). Behavior Ecology and Sociobiology, 74:146

  • Hernandez-Montero J.R., Adam M., Kerth G. (2020). Are echo-reflective cues effective to attract bats to newly placed artificial roosts? Acta Chiropterologica, 192, 979–988.
  • Fischer, N.M., Dool, S.E., Puechmaille, S.J. (2020). Seasonal patterns of Pseudogymnoascus destructans germination indicate host–pathogen coevolution. Biological Letter 16: 20200177.
  • Hernández-Montero, Schöner C.R., Kerth, G. (2020). No evidence for memory retention of a learned association between a cue and roost quality after hibernation in free-ranging bats. Ethology 7: 761-771.
  • Flores, V., Carter G. G., Halczok T. K., Kerth, G., Page R. A. (2020). Social structure and relatedness in the fringe-lipped bat (Trachops cirrhosus). Royal Society Open Science 7: 192256.
  • Hernández-Montero, J.R., Reusch, C., Simon, R., Schöner C.R., Kerth, G. (2020). Free-ranging bats combine three different cognitive processes for roost localization. Oecologia 4: 979-988.
  • Gill, L. F., van Schaik, J., von Bayern, A. M., & Gahr, M. L. (2019). Genetic monogamy despite frequent extrapair copulations in “strictly monogamous” wild jackdaws. Behavioral Ecology; arz185

  • Jan, P. L., Lehnen, L., Besnard, A. L., Kerth, G., Biedermann, M., Schorcht, W., Perit, E. J., Le Gouar. P., Puechmaille, S. J. (2019). Range expansion is associated with increased survival and fecundity in a long-lived bat species. Proceedings of the Royal Society B286(1906), 20190384.

  • Reusch, C., Gampe, J., Scheuerlein, A., Meier, F., Grosche, L., & Kerth, G. (2019). Differences in seasonal survival suggest species‐specific reactions to climate change in two sympatric bat species. Ecology and Evolution9(14), 7957-7965.

  • Wilkinson, G.S., Carter, G.G., Bohn, K.M., Baspers, B., Chaverri, G., Farine, D.R., Günther, L., Kerth, G., Knörnschild, M., Mayer, F., Nagy, M., Ortega, J., Patriquin, K. (2019) Kinship, association and social complexity in bats. Behavioural Ecology & Sociobiology 73: 7.
  • Verhaegen, G., Herzog, H., Korsch, K., Kerth, G., Brede, M. & Haase, M. (2019). Testing the adaptive value of gastropod shell morphology to flow: a multidisciplinary approach based on morphometrics, computational fluid dynamics and a flow tank experiment. Zoological Letters. 5:5
  • Lehnen L, Schorcht W, Karst I, Biedermann M, Kerth G, et al. (2018) Using Approximate Bayesian Computation to infer sex ratios from acoustic data. PLOS ONE 13(6): e0199428.

  • Sagot, M., Schöner, C.R., Jago, A.J., Razik, I. & Chaverri, G. (2018): The importance of group vocal behaviour in roost finding. Animal Behaviour 142: 157-164.
  • Zeus V.M., Reusch C., Kerth G. (2018). Long-term roosting data reveal an unimodular social network in large fission-fusion society of the colony-living Natterer's bat (Myotis nattereri). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 72: 99
  • Schöner, M.G. & Schöner, C.R. (2018): Acoustic interactions between plants and animals. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 143: 1795-1795.
  • Fritze, M., Puechmaille, S.J. (2018): Identifying unusual mortality events in bats: a baseline for bat hibernation monitoring and white-nose research. Mammal Review 48: 224-228
  • Foley, N.M., Hughes, G.M., Huang, Z., Clarke, M., Jebb, D., Whelan, C.V., Petit, E.J., Touzalin, F., Farcy, O., Jones, G., Ransome, R.D., Kacprzyk, J., O'Connell, M.J., Kerth, G., Rebelo, H., Rodrigues, L., Puechmaille, S.J., Teeling, E.C. (2018): Growing old, yet staying young: the role of telomeres in bats’ exceptional longevity. Science Advances 4, 2, eaao0926
  • Ar Gouilh, M., Puechmaille, S.J., Diancourt, L., Vandenbogaert, M., Serra-Cobo, J., Lopez Roïg, M., Brown, P., Moutou, F., Caro, V., Vabret, A., Manuguerra, J.-C. (2018): SARS-CoV related Betacoronavirus and diverse Alphacoronavirus members found in western old-world. Virology 517: 88-97.
  • Halczok, T., Brändel, S.D., Flores, V., Puechmaille, S.J., Tschapka, M., Page, R.A., Kerth, G. (2018): Male-biased dispersal and the potential impact of human-induced habitat modifications on the Neotropical bat Trachops cirrhosus. Ecology and Evolution 8: 6065-6080.
  • Hughes, G.M., Leech, J., Puechmaille, S.J., Lopez, J.V., Teeling, E.C. (2018): Is there a link between aging and microbiome diversity in exceptional mammalian longevity? PeerJ.
  • Teeling, E., Vernes, S., Davalos, L.M., Ray, D.A., Gilbert, M.T.P., Myers, E., Bat1K Consortium* [*includes Puechmaille, S.J.P] (2018): Bat biology, genomes, and the Bat1K Project: to generate chromosome-level genomes for all living bat species. Annual Review of Animal Biosciences 6: 23-46.
  • Unterseher, M., Karunarathna, S.C., Cruz, G.R., Dagamac, N.H., Dahl, M.B., Dool, S.E., Galla, M., Herbst, L., Nilsson, R.H., Puechmaille, S.J., Schöner, C.R., Schöner, M.G., Siddique, A.B., Teltewskoi, A., Wicke, K., Würth, D.G., Wurzbacher, C., Hyde, K.D. (2018): Mycobiomes of sympatric Amorphophallus albispathus and Camellia sinensis differ in diversity and composition and display clear tissue preferences. Mycological Progress
  • Zarzoso-Lacoste, D., Jan, P.-L., Lehnen, L., Girard, T., Besnard, A.-L., Puechmaille, S.J., Petit, E.J. (2018): Combining noninvasive genetics and a new mammalian sex-linked marker provides new tools to investigate population size, structure and individual behaviour: an application to bats. Molecular Ecology Resources 18: 217-228.
  • van Schaik, J., Dekeukeleire, D., Gazaryan, S., Natradze, I., & Kerth, G. (2018): Comparative phylogeography of a vulnerable bat and its ectoparasite reveals dispersal of a non-mobile parasite among distinct evolutionarily significant units of the host. Conservation Genetics 19: 481–494.
  • Sagot, M., Schöner, C.R., Jago, A.J., Razik, I. & Chaverri, G. (2018): The importance of group vocal behaviour in roost finding. Animal Behaviour 142: 157-164.
  • Zeus V.M., Reusch C., Kerth G. (2018). Long-term roosting data reveal an unimodular social network in large fission-fusion society of the colony-living Natterer's bat (Myotis nattereri). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 72: 99
  • Schöner, M.G. & Schöner, C.R. (2018): Acoustic interactions between plants and animals. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 143: 1795-1795.
  • Fritze, M., Puechmaille, S.J. (2018): Identifying unusual mortality events in bats: a baseline for bat hibernation monitoring and white-nose research. Mammal Review 48: 224-228
  • Foley, N.M., Hughes, G.M., Huang, Z., Clarke, M., Jebb, D., Whelan, C.V., Petit, E.J., Touzalin, F., Farcy, O., Jones, G., Ransome, R.D., Kacprzyk, J., O'Connell, M.J., Kerth, G., Rebelo, H., Rodrigues, L., Puechmaille, S.J., Teeling, E.C. (2018): Growing old, yet staying young: the role of telomeres in bats’ exceptional longevity. Science Advances 4, 2, eaao0926
  • Ar Gouilh, M., Puechmaille, S.J., Diancourt, L., Vandenbogaert, M., Serra-Cobo, J., Lopez Roïg, M., Brown, P., Moutou, F., Caro, V., Vabret, A., Manuguerra, J.-C. (2018): SARS-CoV related Betacoronavirus and diverse Alphacoronavirus members found in western old-world. Virology 517: 88-97.
  • Halczok, T., Brändel, S.D., Flores, V., Puechmaille, S.J., Tschapka, M., Page, R.A., Kerth, G. (2018): Male-biased dispersal and the potential impact of human-induced habitat modifications on the Neotropical bat Trachops cirrhosus. Ecology and Evolution 8: 6065-6080.
  • Hughes, G.M., Leech, J., Puechmaille, S.J., Lopez, J.V., Teeling, E.C. (2018): Is there a link between aging and microbiome diversity in exceptional mammalian longevity? PeerJ.
  • Teeling, E., Vernes, S., Davalos, L.M., Ray, D.A., Gilbert, M.T.P., Myers, E., Bat1K Consortium* [*includes Puechmaille, S.J.P] (2018): Bat biology, genomes, and the Bat1K Project: to generate chromosome-level genomes for all living bat species. Annual Review of Animal Biosciences 6: 23-46.
  • Unterseher, M., Karunarathna, S.C., Cruz, G.R., Dagamac, N.H., Dahl, M.B., Dool, S.E., Galla, M., Herbst, L., Nilsson, R.H., Puechmaille, S.J., Schöner, C.R., Schöner, M.G., Siddique, A.B., Teltewskoi, A., Wicke, K., Würth, D.G., Wurzbacher, C., Hyde, K.D. (2018): Mycobiomes of sympatric Amorphophallus albispathus and Camellia sinensis differ in diversity and composition and display clear tissue preferences. Mycological Progress
  • Zarzoso-Lacoste, D., Jan, P.-L., Lehnen, L., Girard, T., Besnard, A.-L., Puechmaille, S.J., Petit, E.J. (2018): Combining noninvasive genetics and a new mammalian sex-linked marker provides new tools to investigate population size, structure and individual behaviour: an application to bats. Molecular Ecology Resources 18: 217-228.
  • van Schaik, J., Dekeukeleire, D., Gazaryan, S., Natradze, I., & Kerth, G. (2018): Comparative phylogeography of a vulnerable bat and its ectoparasite reveals dispersal of a non-mobile parasite among distinct evolutionarily significant units of the host. Conservation Genetics 19: 481–494.
  • Drees, K.P., Parise, K.L., Rivas, S.M., Felton, L.L., Puechmaille, S.J., Keim, P., Foster, J.T. (2017): Characterization of microsatellites in Pseudogymnoascus destructans for White-nose Syndrome genetic analysis. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 53: 869-874.
  • Drees, K.P., Lorch, J.M., Puechmaille, S.J., Parise, K.L., Wibbelt, G., Hoyt, J.R., Sun, K., Jargalsaikhan, A., Dalannast, M., Palmer, J.M., Lindner, D.L., Kilpatrick, A.M., Pearson, T., Keim, P., Blehert, D.S., Foster, J.T. (2017): Phylogenetics of a fungal invasion: Origins and widespread dispersal of white-nose syndrome. mBio 8: e01941-01917.
  • Foley, N.M., Goodman, S.M., Whelan, C.W., Puechmaille, S.J., Teeling, E.C. (2017): Towards navigating the Minotaur’s Labyrinth: cryptic diversity and taxonomic revision within the speciose genus Hipposideros (Hipposideridae). Acta Chiropterologica 19: 1-18.
  • Jan, P.-L., Farcy, O., Boireau, J., Le Texier, E., Baudouin, A., Le Gouar, P., Puechmaille, S.J., Petit, E.J. (2017): Which temporal resolution to consider when investigating the impact of climatic data on population dynamics? The case of the lesser horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus hipposideros). Oecologia 184: 749-761.
  • Jebb, D., Foley, N.M., Whelan, C.V., Touzalin, F., Puechmaille, S.J., Teeling, E.C. (2017): Population level mitogenomics of the long-lived Greater Mouse-eared bat, Myotis myotis, reveals dynamic heteroplasmy and challenges the Free Radical Theory of Ageing. bioRxiv.
  • Kacprzyk, J., Hughes, G.M., Palsson-McDermott, E.M., Quinn, S.R., Puechmaille, S.J., O'Neill, L.A.J., Teeling, E.C. (2017): A potent anti-inflammatory response in bat macrophages may be linked to extended longevity and viral tolerance. Acta Chiropterologica 19: 219-228.
  • Stumpf, M., Meier, F., Grosche, L., Halczok, T.K., van Schaik, J. & Kerth, G. (2017): How do young bats find suitable swarming and hibernation sites? Assessing the plausibility of the maternal guidance hypothesis using genetic maternity assignment for two European bat species. Acta Chiropterologica, 19: 319-327.
  • Schöner, M.G., Schöner, C.R., Ermisch, R., Puechmaille, S.J., Grafe, T.U., Tan, M.C. & Kerth, G. (2017): Stabilization of a bat-pitcher plant mutualism. Scientific Reports 7: 13170.
  • Voigt, C.C., Frick, W.F., Holderied, M.W., Hooland, R., Kerth, G., Mello, M.A.R., Plowright, R.K., Swartz, S. & Yovel, Y. (2017): Principles and patterns of bat movements: From aerodynamics to ecology. The Quarterly Review of Biology 92: 267-287.
  • Fleischer, T., Gampe, J., Scheuerlein, A. & Kerth, G. (2017): Rare catastrophic events drive population dynamics in a bat species with negligible senescence. Scientific Reports 7: 7370. DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-06392-9
  • Yilamujiang, A., Zhu, A., Ligabue-Braun, R., Bartram, S., Witte, C.-P., Hedrich, R., Hasabe, M., Schöner, C.R., Schöner, M.G., Kerth, G., Carlini & C.R., Mithöfer, A. (2017): Coprophagous features in carnivorous Nepenthes plants: a task for ureases. Scientific Reports 7: 11647.
  • Schöner, M.G., Schöner, C.R., Kerth, G., Suhaini, S.N. & Grafe, T.U. (2017): Handle with care: Enlarged pads improve the ability of Hardwicke’s woolly bat, Kerivoula hardwickii (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae), to roost in a carnivorous pitcher plant. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 122: 643-650.
  • Jebb, D., Foley, N.M., Kerth, G. & Teeling, E. (2017): The complete mitochondrial genome of the Bechstein’s bat, Myotis bechsteinii (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B: Resouces 2:
  • Schöner, C.R., Schöner, M.G., Grafe, T.U., Clarke, C.M., Dombrowski, L., Tan, M.C. & Kerth, G. (2017): Ecological outsourcing: a pitcher plant benefits from transferring pre-digestion of prey to a bat mutualist. Journal of Ecology 105: 400-411.
  • van Schaik, J. & Kerth, G. (2017): Host social organization and mating system shape parasite transmission opportunities in three European bat species. Parasitology Research 116: 589-599.
  • Halczok, T., Fischer, K., Gierke, R., Zeus, V., Meier, F., Tress, C., Balkema-Buschmann, A., Puechmaille, S. & Kerth, G. (2017): Evidence for genetic variation in Natterer's bats (Myotis nattereri) across three regions in Germany but no evidence for co-variation with their associated astroviruses BMC Evolutionary Biology 17: 5.
  • Zeus, V., Puechmaille, S. & Kerth, G. (2017): Con- and heterospecific social groups affect each other's resource use: a study on roost sharing among bat colonies. Animal Behaviour 123: 329-338.
  • van Schaik, J. and Kerth, G. (2016) Host social organization and mating system shape parasite transmission opportunities in three European bat species Parasitology Research. doi:10.1007/s00436-016-5323-8
  • Orr DJA, Teeling EC, Puechmaille S and Finarelli JA (2016) Patterns of orofacial clefting in the facial morphology of bats: a possible naturally-occurring model of cleft palate. Journal of Anatomy 229: 657–672.
  • Schöner, M.G., Schöner, C.R., Kerth, G., Ji, L.L. & Grafe, T.U. (2016): Bats attend to plant structures to identify roosting sites. Acta Chiropterologica 18: 433-440.
  • Dool, S.E., Puechmaille, S., Kelleher, C., McAney, K. and Teeling, E.C. (2016): The effects of human-mediated habitat fragmentation on a sedentary woodland-associated species (Rhinolophus hipposideros) at its range margin. Acta Chiropterologica 18: 359-375.
  • Schöner, M.G., Simon, R. & Schöner, C.R. (2016): Acoustic communication in plant - animal interactions. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 32: 88-95.
  • Dool, S E., Donnell, C F.J., Monks, J.M., Puechmaille, S.J. & Kerth, G. (2016): Phylogeographic-based conservation implications for the New Zealand long-tailed bat, (Chalinolobus tuberculatus): identification of a single ESU and a candidate population for genetic rescue. Conservation Genetics 17: 1067-1079.
  • Küpper, N.D., Melber, M. & Kerth, G. (2016): Nightly clustering in communal roosts and the regular presence of adult females at night provide thermal benefits for juvenile Bechstein's bats. Mammalian Biology 81: 201-204.
  • Struebig, M.J., Huang, J.C.-C.H., Mohamed, N.Z., Noerfahmy, S., Schöner, C.R., Schöner, M.G. & Francis, C.M. (2016): Forest surveys extend the range of the Krau woolly bat (Kerivoula krauensis) in the Malay-Thai Peninsula, Borneo and Sumatra. Mammalia, online early.
  • Bilgin, R., Gürün, K., Rebelo, H., Puechmaille, S.*, Maraci Ö., Presetnik, P., Hamidovic, D., Fressel, N., Hulva, P., Horácek, I., Ibañez, C., Karatas, A., Karatas, A., Allegrini, B., Georgiakakis, P., Gazaryan, S., Nagy, Z., Abi-Said, M., Lucan, R.K., Bartonicka, T., Nicolaou, H., Scaravelli, D., Karapandža, B., Uhrin, M., Paunovic, M., Benda, P. & Juste, J. (2016): Circum-Mediterranean phylogeography of a bat coupled with past environmental niche modelling: a new paradigm for the recolonization of Europe? Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 99: 323-336.
  • Zamora-Gutierrez, V., Lopez-Gonzalez, C., MacSwiney Gonzalez, M.C., Fenton, B., Jones, G., Kalko, E., Puechmaille, S., Stathopoulos, V. & Jones, K. (2016): Acoustic identification of Mexican bats based on taxonomic and ecological constraints on call design. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 7:1082-1091.
  • Puechmaille, S. (2016): The program STRUCTURE does not reliably recover the correct population structure when sampling is uneven: sub-sampling and new estimators alleviate the problem. Molecular Ecology Resources 16:608-627.
  • Dool, S., Puechmaille, S.*, Foley, N., Allegrini, B., Bastian, A., Mutumi, G., Maluleke, T., Odendaal, L., Teeling, E. & Jacobs, D. (2016): Nuclear introns outperform mitochondrial DNA in inter-specific phylogenetic reconstruction: lessons from horseshoe bats (Rhinolophidae: Chiroptera) (*joint first author). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 97:196-212.
  • van Schaik J., Janssen R., Bosch T., Haarsma A.-J., Dekker J.J.A. & Kranstauber B. (2015): Bats swarm where they hibernate: compositional similarity between autumn swarming and winter hibernation assemblages at five underground sites. PloS One 10(7): e0130850
  • Huang, Z., Gallot, A., Lao, N.T., Puechmaille, S., Foley, N.M., Jebb, D., Bekaert, M. & Teeling, E.C. (2015): A non-lethal sampling method to obtain, generate and assemble whole-blood transcriptomes from small, wild animals. Molecular Ecology Resources, in press.
  • Fischer, K., Zeus, V., Kwasnitschka, L., Kerth, G., Haase, M., Groschup, M. & Balkema-Buschmann, A. (2015): Insectivorous bats carry host specific astroviruses and coronaviruses across different regions in Germany. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 37: 108–116.
  • O’ Donnell, C.F.J., Richter, S., Dool, S., Monks, J. M. & Kerth, G. (2015): Genetic diversity is maintained in the endangered New Zealand long-tailed bat (Chalinolobus tuberculatus) despite a closed social structure and regular population crashes. Conservation Genetics, doi 10.1007/s10592-015-0763-8.
  • Van Schaik, J., Dekeukeleire, D. & Kerth, G. (2015): Host and parasite life history interplay to yield divergent population genetic structures in two ectoparasites living on the same bat species. Molecular Ecology 24: 2324–2335.
  • Schaub T., Meffert, P. J. & Kerth, G. (2015): Nest-boxes for common swifts Apus apus as compensatory measures in the context of building renovation: efficacy and predictors of occupancy. Bird Conservation International, doi:10.1017/S0959270914000525.
  • Lim, Y. S., Schöner, C. R., Schöner, M. G., Kerth, G., Thornham, D. G., Scharmann, M. & Grafe, T. U. (2015): How a pitcher plant facilitates roosting of mutualistic woolly bats. Evolutionary Ecology Research 16: 581–591.
  • Schöner, M. G., Schöner, C. R., Simon, R., Grafe, T. U., Puechmaille, S. J., Ji, L. L. & Kerth, G. (2015): Bats are acoustically attracted to mutualistic carnivorous plants. Current Biology 25: 1-6.
  • Schöner, C. R., Schöner, M. G., Kerth, G., Suhaini, S. N. & Grafe, T. U. (2015): Low costs reinforce the mutualism between bats and pitcher plants. Zoologischer Anzeiger - A Journal of Comparative Zoology 258: 1-5.
  • Abbott, I.M., Berthinussen, A., Stone, E., Boonman, M., Melber, M. & Altringham, J.D. (2015): Bats and Roads. In: van der Ree, R., Smith, D.J., & Grilo, C. (eds). Handbook of Road Ecology. John Wiley & Sons, Oxford: 209-299.
  • Altringham, J. & Kerth, G. (2015): Bats and roads. In: Voigt, C.C. & Kingston, T. (eds). Bats in the Anthropocene: Conservation of Bats in a Changing World. Springer: 35-62.
  • Frick, W.F., Puechmaille, S.J. & Willis, C.K.R. (2015): White-nose syndrome in bats. In: Voigt, C.C. & Kingston, T. (eds). Bats in the Anthropocene: Conservation of bats in a changing world. Springer: 245-262.
  • Foley, N.M., Thong, V.D., Soisook, P., Goodman, S.M., Armstrong, K., Jacobs, D., Puechmaille, S.J.*, Teeling, E.C. (2015): How and why overcome the impediments to resolution: lessons from rhinolophid and hipposiderid bats. Molecular Biology and Evolution 32, 313-333. (*joint senior author)
  • Frick, W., Puechmaille, S. J., Hoyt, J. R., Nickel, B.A., Langwig, K.E., Foster, J.T., Horáček, I., Bartonička, T., Barlow, K.E., Haarsma, A.-J., van der Kooij, J., Rodrigues, L., Mulkens, B., Petrov, B., Herzog, C., Reynolds, R., Stihler, C.W., Turner, G.G., Feller, D., Kilpatrick, A. M. (2015): Disease alters macroecological patterns of North American bats. Global Ecology and Biogeography 24, 741-749.
  • Leopardi, S., Blake, D., Puechmaille, S.J., 2015. White-Nose Syndrome fungus introduced from Europe to North America. Current Biology 25, R217-219.
  • Jebb, D., Foley, N.M., Puechmaille, S.J. & Teeling, E.C. (2015): The complete mitochondrial genome of the Greater Mouse-Eared Bat, Myotis myotis (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae). Mitochondrial DNA 1-3.
  • Kerth, G., Blüthgen, N., Dittrich, C., Dworschak, K., Fischer, K., Fleischer, T., Limberg, J., Rödel, M.O. & Obermaier, E. (2015): Anpassungskapazität von 50 Arten mit potentiell hohem Aussterberisiko gegenüber dem Klimawandel in Deutschland. Natur und Landschaft 90: 17-24.
  • Boston, E.S.M., Puechmaille, S.J., Clissmann, F. & Teeling, E.C. (2014): Further evidence for cryptic north-western refugia in Europe? Mitochondrial phylogeography of the sibling species Pipistrellus pipistrellus and Pipistrellus pygmaeus. Acta Chiropterologica 16, 263-277.
  • Puechmaille, S., Borissov, I., Zsebok, S., Allegrini, B., Hizem, M.W., Kuenzel, S., Schuchmann, M., Teeling, E.C. & Siemers, B.M. (2014): Female mate choice can drive the evolution of high frequency echolocation in bats: a case study with Rhinolophus mehelyi. PLoS ONE 9(7), e103452.
  • Razgour, O., Rebelo, H., Puechmaille, S., Juste, J., Ibáñez, C., Kiefer, A., Burke, T., Dawson, D.A. & Jones, G. (2014): Scale-dependent effects of landscape variables on gene flow and population structure in bats. Diversity and Distributions 20(10), 1173-1185.
  • Puechmaille, S., Allegrini, B., Benda, P., Gürün, K., Šrámek, J., Ibañez, C., Juste, J. & Bilgin, R. (2014): A new species of the Miniopterus schreibersii species complex (Chiroptera: Miniopteridae) from the Maghreb Region, North Africa. Zootaxa 3794(1), 108-124.
  • Puechmaille, S. & Teeling, E. (2014): Non-invasive genetics can help find rare species: a case study with Rhinolophus mehelyi and R. euryale (Rhinolophidae: Chiroptera) in western Europe. Mammalia 78(2), 251-255.
  • Fereidouni S., Kwasnitschka, L., Buschmann, B., Müller, A.T., Freuling, C., Schatz, J., Pikula, J., Bandouchova, H., Hoffmann, R., Ohlendorf, B., Kerth, G., Tong, S., Donis, R., Beer, M. & Harder, T. (2014): No virological evidence for an influenza a - like virus in european bats. Zoonoses and Public Health, doi: 10.1111/zph.12131.
  • Fleischmann, D. & Kerth, G. (2014): Roosting behavior and group decision making in 2 syntopic bat species with fission–fusion societies. Behavioral Ecology 25: 1240-1247.
  • van Schaik, J., Kerth, G., Bruyndonckx, N. & Christe, P. (2014): The effect of host social system on parasite population genetic structure: comparative population genetics of two ectoparasitic mites and their bat hosts. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2014, 14:18.
  • Kerth G., Fleischmann D., van Schaik J. & Melber M. (2013): From behaviour and genetics to nature conservation: 20 years research on Bechstein’s bats. In: Populationsökologie und Habitatansprüche der Bechsteinfledermaus Myotis bechsteinii (ed. Dietz, M,), pp. 35-50. Zarbock GmbH & Co. KG, Frankfurt.
  • Dekeukeleire D., Janssen R. & van Schaik J. (2013): Frequent melanism in Geoffroy’s bat (Myotis emarginatus, Geoffroy 1806). Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy 24, 197-198
  • Baigger A, Perony N, Reuter M, Leinert V, Melber M, Grünberger S, Fleischmann D, Kerth G (2013): Bechstein’s bats maintain individual social links despite a complete reorganisation of their colony structure. Naturwissenschaften 100: 895-898
  • Melber M, Fleischmann D, Kerth G (2013): Female Bechstein’s bats share foraging sites with maternal kin but do not forage together with them – results from a long-term study. Ethology 119 (9): 793-801
  • Fleischmann D, Baumgartner IO, Erasmy M, Gries N, Melber M, Leinert V, Parchem M, Reuter M, Schaer P, Stauffer S, Wagner I, Kerth G (2013): Female Bechstein’s bats adjust their group-decisions about communal roosts to the level of conflict of interests. Current Biology 23: 1-5
  • Kerth G, Gusset M, Garbely J, König B, Gabanapelo T, Monika Schiess-Meier M (2013): Genetic sexing of stock-raiding leopards: not only males to blame. Conservation Genetic Resources 5: 1101-1105
  • Schöner CR, Schöner MG, Kerth G, Grafe TU (2013): Supply determines demand: influence of partner quality and quantity on the interactions between bats and pitcher plants. Oecologia 173: 191-202
  • Allegrini B & Puechmaille SJ (2013): Vespertilion (Myotis) latipennis (Crespon, 1844): un nom pour la nouvelle espèce Myotis sp. A du groupe nattereri ? Le Vespère 3: 181-183
  • Dool SE, Puechmaille SJ, Dietz C, Juste J, Ibáñez C, Hulva P, Roué SG, Petit EJ, Jones G, Russo D, Toffoli R, Viglino A, Martinoli A, Rossiter SJ & Teeling EC (2013): Phylogeography and postglacial recolonization of Europe by Rhinolophus hipposideros: evidence from multiple genetic markers. Molecular Ecology 22: 4055-4070
  • Jiang T, You Y, Liu S, Lu G, Wang L, Wu H, Berquist SW, Ho J, Puechmaille SJ & Feng J (2013) Factors affecting geographic variation in echolocation calls of the endemic Myotis davidii in China. Ethology 119: 881-890
  • Puechmaille SJ (2013) Premières données sur la présence de la Pipistrelle de Nathusius (Pipistrellus nathusii) en Aveyron. Le Vespère 3: 191-194
  • Razgour O, Juste J, Ibáñez C, Kiefer A, Rebelo H, Puechmaille SJ, Arlettaz R, Burke T, Dawson DA, Beaumont M & Jones G (2013) The shaping of genetic variation in edge-of-range populations under past and future climate change. Ecology Letters 16: 1258-1266
  • Wibbelt G, Puechmaille SJ, Ohlendorf B, Mühldorfer K, Bosch T, Görföl T, Passior K, Kurth A, Lacremans D & Forget F (2013) Skin lesions in European hibernating bats associated with Geomyces destructans, the etiologic agent of White-Nose Syndrome. PLoS ONE 8: e74105
  • Kerth G, van Schaik J (2012) Causes and consequences of living in closed societies: lessons from a long-term socio-genetic study on Bechstein's bats. Molecular Ecology 21: 633–646
  • Papadatou E, Pradel R, Schaub MI, Dolch D, Geiger H, Ibañez C, Kerth G, Popa-Lisseanu A, Schorcht W, Teubner J, Gimenez O (2012) Comparing survival among species with imperfect detection using multilevel analysis of mark-recapture data: a case study on bats. Ecography 35: 153-161
  • Coyer J.A., Hoarau G., van Schaik J., Luijckx P. & Olsen J.L. (2011): Trans‐Pacific and trans‐Arctic pathways of the intertidal macroalga Fucus distichus L. reveal multiple glacial refugia and colonizations from the North Pacific to the North Atlantic. Journal of Biogeography 38, 756-771.
  • Sueur C, King AJ, Conradt L, Kerth G, Lusseau D, Mettke-Hofmann C, Schaffner CM, Williams L, Zinner D, Aureli F (2011) Collective decision-making and fission-fusion dynamics: a conceptual framework. Oikos 120:1608-1617
  • Kerth G, Perony N, Schweitzer F (2011) Bats are able to maintain long-term social relationships despite the high fission–fusion dynamics of their groups. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 278: 2761-2767
  • van Schaik J, Bruyndonckx N, Kerth G, Christe P (2011) Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci for two secies of spinturnicid bat wing mites (Spinturnix myoti and Spinturnix bechsteinii). Acarologia 51: 127-131.
  • Grafe TU, Schöner CR, Kerth G, Junaidi A, Schöner MG (2011) A novel resource-service mutualism between bats and pitcher plants. Biology Letters 7:436-439
  • Schöner CR, Schöner MG, Kerth G (2010) Similar is not the same: Social calls of conspecifics are more effective in attracting wild bats to day roosts than those of other bat species. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 64:2053-2063
  • Kerth G (2010) Group decision-making in fission-fusion societies. Behavioural Processes, 84:662-663
  • Kerth G (2010) Group decision-making in animal societies, in: Kappeler (Ed.): Behavior: Evolution & Mechanisms, Springer Verlag
  • Pretzlaff I, Kerth G, Dausmann KH (2010) Communally breeding bats use physiological and behavioral adjustments to optimize daily energy expenditure. Naturwissenschaften 97:353-363
  • Bruyndonckx N, Henry I, Christe P, Kerth G (2009) Spatiotemporal population genetic structure of the parasitic mite Spinturnix bechsteini is shaped by its own demography and the social system of its bat host. Molecular Ecology 18: 3581-3592
  • Meyer C, Kalko EKV, Kerth G (2009) Small-scale fragmentation effects on genetic diversity and population differentiation in two phyllostomid bats with different dispersal abilities. Biotropica, 41: 95-102
  • Reckardt K, Kerth G (2009) Does the mode of transmission between hosts affect host choice strategies of parasites? - Implications from a study on bat flies and wing mites infesting Bechstein’s bats. Oikos, 118: 183-190
  • Kerth G, Melber M (2009) Species-specific barrier effects of a motorway on the habitat use of two threatened bat species. Biological Conservation, 142: 270-279
  • Kerth G, Dechmann DKN (2009) Field-based behavioral studies in bats, in: Ecological and Behavioral Methods for the Study of Bats (TH Kunz, S Parsons, eds). John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore
  • Kerth G, Boyan P, Conti A, Anastasov D, Weishaar M, Gazaryan S, Jacquiéry J, König B, Perrin N, Bruyndonckx N (2008) Communally breeding Bechstein’s bats have a stable social system that is independent from the post-glacial history and location of its populations. Molecular Ecology, 17: 2368-2381
  • Kerth G (2008) Causes and consequences of sociality in bats. BioScience, 58: 737-755
  • Kerth G (2008) What can we learn from studying fission-fusion dynamics in primates and other animals? Current Anthropology, 49: 643-644
  • Kerth G (2008) Animal sociality: bat colonies are founded by relatives. Current Biology, 18: R740-R742
  • Dechmann DKN, Kerth G (2008) My home is your castle – roost-making is sexually selected in the bat Lophostoma silviculum Journal of Mammalogy, 89: 1379-1390
  • Dechmann DKN, Kalko EKV, Kerth G (2007) All-offspring dispersal in a tropical mammal with resource defense polygyny. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 61: 1219-1228
  • Safi K, König B, Kerth G (2007) Implications of sex-specific habitat use and social sexual segregation for the conservation of the parti-coloured bat, Vespertilio murinus. Biological Conservation, 137: 28-36
  • Safi K, Kerth G (2007) Comparative analyses suggest that information transfer promoted sociality in male bats, American Naturalist, 170: 465-472
  • Reckardt K, Kerth G (2007) Roost selection and roost switching of female Bechstein’s bats (Myotis bechsteinii) as a strategy of parasite avoidance. Oecologia, 154: 581-588
  • Siemers B, Kerth G (2006) Do echolocation calls of the colony-living Bechstein's bat (Myotis bechsteinii) provide individual-specific signatures? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 59: 443-454
  • Reckardt K, Kerth G (2006) The reproductive ecology of the bat fly Basilia nana (Diptera: Nycteribiidae) is affected by low roost fidelity of its host, the Bechstein's bat (Myotis bechsteinii). Parasitology Research, 98: 237-243
  • Kerth G (2006) Relatedness, life history and social behaviour in the long-lived Bechstein's bat (Myotis bechsteinii). In: Zubaid A, McCracken GF, Kunz TH (eds) Functional and evolutionary ecology of bats. Oxford University Press, pp. 199-212
  • Kerth G, Ebert C, Schmidtke C (2006) Group decision-making in fission-fusion societies: Evidence from two field experiments in Bechstein’s bats. Proceedings of the Royal Society London B, 273: 2785-2790
  • Dechmann DKN, Kalko EKV, König B, Kerth G (2005) Mating system of a neotropical roost-making bat: the white-throated round-eared bat, Lophostoma silvicolum. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 58: 316-325
  • Mayer F, Kerth G (2005) Evolution of a dinucleotide microsatellite in the mitochondrial genome of Bechstein's bat (Myotis bechsteinii). Journal of Molecular Evolution, 61: 408-416
  • Kerth G, Petit E (2005) Colonization and dispersal in a social species, the Bechstein’s bat (Myotis bechsteinii). Molecular Ecology, 14: 3943–3950
  • Pen I, Kerth G (2005) Mate choice: Female relatives share sexual partners in bats. Current Biology, 15: R927-929
  • Safi K, Kerth G (2004) A comparative analysis of specialisation and extinction risk in temperate-zone bats. Conservation Biology, 18: 1293-1303
  • Dechmann DKN, Kalko EKV, Kerth G (2004) Ecology of an exceptional roost: energetic benefits could explain why the bat Lophostoma silvicolum roosts in active termite nests. Evolutionary Ecology Research, 6: 1037-1050
  • Kerth G, Morf L (2004) Behavioural and genetic data suggest that Bechstein’s bats predominantely mate outside the breeding habitat. Ethology, 110: 987-999
  • Safi K, Kerth G (2003) Secretions of the interaural gland contain information about individuality and colony membership in the Bechstein’s bat. Animal Behaviour, 65:363-369
  • Kerth G, Reckardt K (2003) Information transfer about roosts in female Bechstein's bats. Proceedings of the Royal Society London B, 270: 511-515
  • Kerth G, Almasi B, Ribi N, Thiel D, Lüpold S (2003) Social interactions among wild female Bechstein's bats (Myotis bechsteinii) living in a maternity colony. Acta Ethologica, 5: 107-114
  • Kerth G, Kiefer A, Trappmann C, Weishaar M (2003) High gene diversity at swarming sites suggest hot spots for gene flow in the endangered Bechstein's bat. Conservation Genetics, 4: 491-499
  • Kerth G, Safi K, König B (2002) Mean colony relatedness is a poor predictor of colony structure and female philopatry in the communally breeding Bechstein’s bat (Myotis bechsteinii). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 52: 203-210
  • Kerth G, Mayer F, Petit E (2002) Extreme sex-biased dispersal in the communally breeding, non-migratory Bechstein's bat (Myotis bechsteinii). Molecular Ecology, 11: 1491-1498
  • Dechmann DKN, Garbely E, Kerth G, Garner TWJ (2002) Highly polymorphic microsatellites for the study of the round-eared bat, Tonatia silvicola (d'Orbigny). Conservation Genetics, 3: 455-458
  • Kerth G, Weissmann K, König B (2001) Day roost selection in female Bechstein's bats (Myotis bechsteinii): a field experiment to determine the influence of roost temperature. Oecologia, 126: 1-9
  • Kerth G, Wagner M, König B (2001) Roosting together, foraging apart: information transfer about food is unlikely to explain sociality in female Bechstein's bats (Myotis bechsteinii). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 50: 283-291
1996 - 2000
  • Kerth G, König B (1996) Transponder and an infrared-videocamera as methods in a fieldstudy on the social behaviour of Bechstein’s bats (Myotis bechsteinii). Myotis, 34:27-34
  • Wilkinson GS, Mayer F, Kerth G, Petri B (1997) Evolution of repeated sequence arrays in the D-loop region of bat mitochondrial DNA. Genetics, 146: 1035-1048
  • Kerth G, König B (1999) Fission, fusion and nonrandom associations in female Bechstein’s bats (Myotis bechsteinii). Behaviour, 136: 1187-1202
  • Kerth G, Mayer F, König B (2000) MtDNA reveals that female Bechstein’s bats live in closed societies. Molecular Ecology, 9: 793-800
Publications in German (only partially peer reviewed)
  • Kerth G, Blüthgen N, Dittrich C, Dworschak K, Fischer K, Fleischer T, Heidinger I, Limberg J, Obermaier E, Rödel MO, Nehring S (2014) Anpassungskapazität ausgewählter Arten im Hinblick auf Änderungen durch den Klimawandel. BfN. Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt (im Druck)
  • Kerth G, Fleischmann D, van Schaik J, Melber M (2013) Vom Verhalten über die Genetik zum Naturschutz: 20 Jahre Forschung an der Bechsteinfledermaus. In: Dietz M (Hrsg.) (2013): Populationsökologie und Habitatansprüche der Bechsteinfledermaus Myotis bechsteinii. Beiträge zur Fachtagung in der Trinkkuranlage Bad Nauheim, 25.–26.02.2011, 344 Seiten
  • Kerth G (2008) Individuelles Wissen, geteiltes Wissen, gemeinsame Entscheidung: Informationstransfer und Gruppenentscheidungen bei Fledermäusen. Eingeladener Beitrag zum Symposium „Universitäres Wissen teilen“; anlässlich des 175-jährigen Jubiläums der Universität Zürich. VDF Verlag der Fachvereine an den Schweizerischen Hochschulen.
  • Rudolph B-U, Kerth G, Schlapp G, Wolz I. (2004) Bechsteinfledermaus Myotis bechsteinii (Kuhl, 1817). In: Fledermäuse in Bayern. Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart
  • Kerth G, Wagner M, Weissmann K, König B (2002) Habitat- und Quartiernutzung bei der Bechsteinfledermaus: Hinweise für den Artenschutz. Bundesamt für Naturschutz, Bonn, Schriftenreihe für Landespflege, 71: 99-108
  • Kerth G (1998) Sozialverhalten und genetische Populationsstruktur bei der Bechsteinfledermaus (Myotis bechsteinii). Wissenschaft und Technik Verlag, Berlin
  • Kerth G (1997) Verbreitung und Schutz waldlebender Fledermausarten unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Bechsteinfledermaus (Myotis bechsteinii) in den Laubwäldern Mainfrankens. Naturschutzzentrum Wasserschloss Mitwitz, Materialien, I/97: 27-29
  • Kerth G, Otremba W (1996) Fledermausfunde im Stadtgebiet von Würzburg während der Stadtbiotopkartierung 1986 bis 1988 mit Berücksichtigung nachfolgender Bestandserhebungen bis 1993. Bayerisches Landesamt für Umweltschutz. Schriftenreihe, 149: 17-21
  • Kerth G (1995) Erste Erfahrungen mit dem Einsatz von Transpondern und einer Infrarot-Videokamera zu Verhaltensuntersuchungen an der Bechsteinfledermaus (Myotis bechsteinii) im Freiland. "Methoden feldökologischer Säugetierforschung", 1, Wissenschaftliche Beiträge der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. Hrsg. M. Stubbe et. al., Halle: 383-388
  • Kerth G, Otremba W (1991) Fledermausvorkommen in Stadt und Landkreis Würzburg zwischen 1985 und 1991. Abh. des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins Würzburg, 32: 67-108