
25.06.2024. Gabriele Uhl was invited to give a Walther Arndt Lecture on “Anatomie der Fitness: Genitalstrukturen und Sexuelle Selektion bei Spinnen“ by the Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin (gegr 1773)

Juni 2024. New Publication: Schendel V.; Müller, C.H.G.; Kenning, M.; Maxwell, M.; Jenner, R.A.; Undheim, E.A.B. & Sombke, A. 2024. The venom and telopodal defence systems of the centipede Lithobius forficatus are functionally convergent serial homologues

Kathy Nagel, PhD student, UC Berkeley - Greifswald exchange program. Plan: study the possible innervation of spines in Hawaian Tetragnatha spiders. Duration. End of June until end of August 2024

Mariève Hébert, RISE DAAD scholarship from Université de Montréal, Canada to work with PhD student Morgan Oberweiser on “Multimodal spider courtship”. Duration: May, June, July 2024

April 2024 New Publication: Junghanns, A.; Bilde, T.; Lubin, Y. & Uhl, G. 2024. Facultative iteroparity in a semelparous social spider. Journal of Arachnology 52: 23-25

Februar 2024 New Publication: Land, H.; Christenson, T.E. & Uhl, G. 2024. Sperm storage organs change with female age and mating history in the Golden Silk Spider Trichonephila clavipes (Araneae: Araneide). Journal of Zoology 323: 19–28

New Publication: Steinhoff, Harzsch, Uhl 2023. Comparative neuroanatomy of the central nervous system in web-building and cursorial hunting spiders. Journal of comparative Neurology.

Dr. Nina Polchaninova, visiting researcher from Ukraine is back!

Philip Steinhoff successfully defended his Doctoral thesis

Guest Professorship in Japan for Gabriele Uhl